Monday, December 31, 2018

"As we enter a New Year the USA remains in the dark ages in dealing with mental health care!"

There was no progress at all in 2018 as has been usual for decades in dealing with the problem of mental health care human rights abuses people are inflicted with by the diabolically insane psychiatrists and their supporters. Scores of very intelligent, emotionally warm, ethical and peace loving people are as usual leading totally wasted lives due to psychiatry, not due to mental illness. The literal crippling and premature deaths of people from the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs has been on the rise. Beatings, sexual assaults, horrific experiences strait jacketed in isolation with conditions worse than prisoner of war camps of hostile enemies of war and more abuses have as usual been occurring on a daily basis in the mental hospital concentration camp system. Society has been drained of valuable resources from gifted people in all walks of life because of psychiatry, including medicine, law, business, politics, the military and education. Families have been shattered and estates and fortunes depleted because of psychiatry. And as usual what comes down as a terrorist US Department of Justice has it’s police officers, federal agents and judges endorsing and helping to enforce the tyrannical quackery of psychiatry. All of these abuses will continue in 2019 and the only answer as usual remains to work towards the total abolition of psychiatry and the prosecution of the psychiatrists and their supporters in the medical community and elsewhere for their massive crimes against humanity!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

"The goal of psychiatrists is to leave you in a small place with nothing much to do like in the movie 'Room'!"

 Psychiatrists, along with the feds, cops and their judges, have a goal of creating chronically severely compromised states of being for targets of their joint tyranny. In this way the lucrative "Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death" flourishes. Basically psychiatrists want their patients to lead totally wasted lives in small rooms similar to how the mother and her child lived in the movie 'Room". This nurturing of mental illness instead of mental health is standard procedure for the trash psychiatrists!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

"Psychiatric Abuse Cliques seize on disasters to fuel the deadly psychiatric system!"

The US feds, cops and psychiatrists along with their personal judges and those who support them make up 'Psychiatric Abuse Cliques' and together they manifest daily that they are criminally insane sadists by working aggressively to create as much pain and misery for nice men, women and children as possible. In fact while insisting the American psychiatric system is around to help in times of disasters these monsters instead consistently seize the opportunities of personal disasters to move in to attempt to finish off their victims. Real sickness in the family, deaths of loved ones, divorces, breakdowns in relationships, accidents, financial trouble brought on by uncontrollable factors such as a poor economy and inflation, career challenges due to a demanding boss and other factors such as blacklists due to psychiatric stigmatization, academic challenges in school due to stiff testing requirements and other factors, bullying, robberies, sexual assault and even rape are all seized upon by members of 'Psychiatric Abuse Cliques' as presenting great opportunities for them to humiliate, degrade, badger and abuse their victims in other manners in their attempts to create chronic mental illness and dependence in them instead of striving to nurture mental health and independence!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

"American Psychiatric Abuse Cliques retaliate harshly against whistleblowers!"

Victims of torture by psychiatrists across the USA generally initially believe they will be able to seek justice via the US Attorney General's office, FBI and state Attorney General's offices. However, these victims of psychiatry, which turns out to be every man, woman and child unfortunate enough to have ever seen psychiatrists, sadly discover that due to the legalization of psychiatry by the state and federal lawmakers there is generally no place to turn when seeking a legal remedy for having been tortured by psychiatrists. Instead brutal retaliatory measures against victims of psychiatry are taken by the US Department of Justice against whistleblowers. These retaliatory measures include heightened stigmatization with psychiatric labeling, an intensification of stalking and painful badgering with satellite drone electronic warfare directed into the brains of victims of psychiatry and an increase in the scope of deadly blacklists. There are also literal requests by the government that wealthy and powerful interests in society, including family members and friends, not deal with these victims if they themselves desire good relations with the government along with associated good opportunities to make a lot of money in the country. This targeted isolation of victims of psychiatry which leads to essentially social death shows it's the deadly psychiatric system itself which the government and psychiatrists are dedicated to preserving with no concerns at all for the health and welfare of the targets of psychiatric intervention. This all leads to the constant evolution of a more and more powerful "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!" 
Mental Health Association

Monday, December 24, 2018

The devastation to lives of victims of psychiatry is so serious they are generally in a constant struggle to survive. Personal, academic and career ruination along with serious health problems caused by psychiatric intervention is catastrophic. And so while others in society with similar or even less accomplishments and credentials in life are relaxing on vacations with their families over the holiday season victims of psychiatry are usually struggling to survive. And the unusually cruel psychiatrists themselves along with the likewise cruel feds and cops who help to enforce the tyrannical quackery of psychiatry do not lessen the intensity of their joint assaults on the well being of victims of psychiatry for even a moment over the holiday season!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

"Psychiatrists have poisoned society"

The psychiatrists and their supporters in the medical profession have literally poisoned our society. These leeches of society have been legitimizing filthy sadistic brutality along with irrational destructive court orders for torture of innocent people by psychiatrists. The pushing of unscientific and stigmatizing diagnostic labels, the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs and railroading into the mental hospital concentration camp system are all done regularly. It is considered worthy to waste the hard earned careers of innocent victims of psychiatry and to force them to struggle with extreme financial stresses. Friends and family members along with others in society are encouraged to turn on loved ones and throw them away into an abyss of abuse by psychiatrists. And all along criminally insane feds and cops who work with psychiatrists to literally torture good people are paid well and demand respect in a society which has been poisoned by psychiatry!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

"Psychiatrists insist people need toxic drugs which impair & kill them"

Psychiatrists are quick to insist people unfortunate enough to have been their patients need highly toxic psychiatric drugs which make it virtually impossible for them to do well in every realm of their lives including work. The side effects from the psychiatric drugs are generally so severe the patients become impaired from them. In fact patients of psychiatrists can generally be anticipated to die horrible deaths very early in life from their so-called treatments, not from any actual mental illness. This is particularly pathetic in view of the fact that there are no actual biological markers for the myriad of psychiatric diagnoses the drugs are supposedly being used to treat and the drugs themselves do not actually target any particular disease anyway. Yet the psychiatric legal system is set up in such a horrible manner as to leave victims of psychiatry isolated in society and struggling with careers devastated by psychiatric stigmatization when they refuse to take the toxic psychiatric drugs. Essentially the diabolically insane psychiatrists insist people are very sick and in need of their poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs when they are actually not sick in such manners, while insisting these tormented people are being treated well and on the path to recovery when they are sick as hell and dying one painful step at a time from the psychiatric drugs. The US feds and cops along with the psychiatric court judges are actually terrorists who sadistically enjoy helping the psychiatrists to implement their tyranny!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

"Psychiatry has contributed to the creation of an unusually cruel society"

The attitudes, practices and laws associated with the painful and highly destructive discipline of psychiatry have contributed to the creation of a dangerously cruel society. Pharmaceutical firms make a fortune marketing unethical products which consistently cause far more harm than good with the sale of psychiatric drugs. Mental hospitals make a financial killing providing services which are as horrible as the services which have been provided in concentration camps where people have simply been held to await mass exterminations. Classmates in schools feel justified bullying victims of psychiatry and cutting them out of the path to academic success because of the intentional stigmatization associated with psychiatry. Abusive family members feel justified tormenting members of the family who have seen psychiatrists and stealing their justified assets and inheritance rights. Coworkers feel it's ok to keep people stigmatized by psychiatry from ever getting ahead financially. Federal agents and cops feel they have the right to badger and even beat up innocent people who have seen psychiatrists. These and more abuses associated with psychiatry have resulted in the creation of a tragically cruel society which blatantly ignores the human rights of men, women and children who deserve better and whose lives are painfully wasted by the psychiatric system!

Monday, December 17, 2018

"The psychiatric system is made up of monsters who steal lives for a living"

The psychiatrists along with the psychiatric nurses and other doctors and nurses who support them are heavily invested in propaganda aimed at brainwashing the public into thinking psychiatry has affirmative objectives in dealing with your mental health. However, psychiatric intervention consistently causes far more harm than good in all realms of a person's life, including their mental health, general health, academic, career, social and financial interests. The feds and cops along with the psychiatric court judges assist in implementing the tyrannical quackery of psychiatry. The repetition of similar destructive interventions by psychiatrists over decades in both clinical and non-clinical settings makes it clear everyone involved in the psychiatric system are brutal monsters who knowingly inflict people with extreme degrees of pain and suffering in order to create dependence on the psychiatric system in them. Most of the victims of psychiatry have had the potential to do very well in all realms of their lives if only they had been given the same normal support systems in life which everyone needs to get ahead in this world!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

"Psychiatrists are lousy life coaches!"

The total destruction of the lives of well educated and driven people from psychiatry is a common story. High school and college graduates with honors and professionals with MDs and law degrees are often out of productive and financially rewarding work for life and often must struggle terribly with the financial consequences of this because of the destructive nature of psychiatric intervention, not because of any mental illnesses which they may or may not have suffered from. With promised quick fixes with pills for enormous profits the psychiatrists actually generally take the position that little pink, blue and white pills will actually cure all of lives problems when in fact the myriad of potentially horrible side effects from these pills generally simply exacerbate the problems victims of psychiatry must deal with. With the unsual powers vested in the hands of psychiatrists by the Justice Department even a little positive advice such as focusing on getting ahead academically and in the work world could often help to open up doors of opportunity for people to get ahead in life. Success in all such realms including financial success is often in itself therapeutic and can help prevent and cure what is labelled as mental illness. Instead psychiatrists far too often advise patients to play down the importance of academic and career success and are actually generally responsible for literally wasting the potential of gifted men, women and children. Sadly the psychiatric court judges, feds and cops are quick to help to sadistically implement such destructive interventions. Clearly the psychiatrists are lousy life coaches who thrive off of the dependency they create by catastrophically ruining their patients vital interests!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

"The brutal US Psychiatric System creates scores of Jamal Khashoggi like victims daily"

The assassination of dissident Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi made headlines briefly but has not been highlighted as an event raising unusual concerns by many powers in the US government and elsewhere across the country due to fears of counter-retaliatory responses from Riyadh in view of the daily mass slaughter of innocent people by the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!" The US psychiatric system is responsible for constant satellite drone electronic torture, government enforced family separations, beatings and false arrests by cops, kidnappings to mental hospital concentration camps by federal and state agents, crippling with the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs, organized public ridicule campaigns and deadly blacklists. In the final analysis the plight of people targeted for lucrative psychiatric take downs across the USA is as horrible as was the fate of Jamal Khashoggi and their cries of despair also generally go unnoticed!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

"The psychiatric system nurtures miserable lives!"

Psychiatry is a tragically destructive discipline which makes false promises about helping people with their mental health while instead profiting greatly from nurturing extreme forms of suffering and dependency in innocent men, women and children. The USA has created a particularly highly profitable "Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death" which feeds off of nurturing miserable lives in people in attempts which are often successful to make them dependent on the psychiatric system for life. The resulting pain and suffering is said by the psychiatrists to be due to chronic mental illness when instead it is generally due to chronic abuse. The USA pays unusually high salaries with great benefits and retirement plans for federal agents, cops, psychiatrists and their personal judges to literally torture targets of psychiatric tyranny. This leads to the wasting of talent in every realm of society as highly creative, intelligent and emotionally warm men, women and children find themselves struggling to survive on the fringes of society due to created and enforced poverty while the monsters responsible for this disgusting brutality thrive!

Monday, December 3, 2018

"Psychiatric torture is a US national security issue!"

The US government has invested heavily in a propaganda machine which insists the nation stands out as the most humane nation in the world. In this context the American people themselves and other people worldwide are brainwashed into believing it is absurd to think the US government works closely with psychiatrists and other doctors who endorse them to painfully destroy the vital interests and well being of innocent people instead of working to prevent and humanely treat mental illness. Credible reports of non-court ordered and court ordered torture by US government endorsed psychiatrists raises serious concerns in the US Department of Justice and other branches of the US government due to fears the truth about American government support for the brutal human rights abuses of psychiatrists will be exposed. Targets of psychiatric cruelty are scorned when they report being abused with the public told their outrage is a sign of their serious mental illnesses and that they do not deserve to be respected in society if they lack respect for the very doctors chosen to supposedly help them. The more credible the backgrounds of whistle blowers are the harder they are hit back by the destructive psychiatric system. Clearly the US government considers leaks of US government endorsed psychiatric torture by the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death" to represent a serious national security concern which has the potential to blow apart the image of the entire country!

Friday, November 30, 2018

"Psychiatrists are blood thirsty barbarians!"

Never before in the history of mankind have mass torturers and mass murderers been shown so much respect and earned so much money as American psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses and others in the medical profession who directly support psychiatry. It is outrageous that any money at all, let alone so much money, is paid to such diabolically insane barbarians. While scores of intelligent, ethical, law abiding, and capable people struggle to survive in deep humiliation on the fringes of society because of psychiatry, the psychiatrists themselves and their supporters are making a financial killing. This situation leads to a horrible drain on personal and societal resources. And while psychiatrists keep insisting their victims should not be worrying about money clearly the only thing that psychiatrists are actually concerned about are their outrageously enormous incomes at the expense of the mental health of men, women and children who have had the misfortune of seeing them. Claims that psychiatrists are good doctors who have an expertise in mental health care are based on pure propaganda. Sadly this means the entire medical profession and US government itself which endorses and funds psychiatrists, along with other governments which endorse psychiatry, operate as blood thirsty criminal human rights abuser entities around the clock!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

"The psychiatric system causes suicides!"

The psychiatric system in the USA and worldwide is so brutal and destructive it causes and exacerbates suicidal ideation and intent. In fact it appears as if the lawmakers who have given psychiatry a monopoly on mental health care support laws making suicide illegal simply to help fuel the "Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!" By completely devastating families with intentional stigmatization and associated academic, career, social and financial ruination suicide is often seen as the only logical way out of their predicament since the very doctors who are supposed to be experts in mental health care consistently implement painful and damaging interventions which make life unbearable. The direct support of this destructive system by federal agents, cops and judges simply makes matters worse for victims of psychiatry and leads to even more resolve on their part to succeed in taking their own lives!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

"The Justice Dept terrorizes people with psychiatry!"

The psychiatric system in the USA and elsewhere worldwide is based on sadistic terrorism. 'Psychiatric Abuse Cliques' made up of psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, other doctors and nurses who support them, feds, cops and their personal judges are fully committed to tearing apart the lives of the innocent targets of their generally unprovoked aggression. The victims of this tyranny are abused in every imaginable manner which includes physical beatings, poisoning with the toxic arsenal of psychiatric drugs, mind manipulation with intense satellite drone warfare, social isolation and deadly blacklists. This all undermines the capacity for mental health in men, women and children unfortunate enough to see psychiatrists. The legalization of psychiatry in the USA and elsewhere worldwide has pathetically resulted in terrorist justice departments which are as horribly brutal as the worse convicted filthy criminals in the world who are living out their lives on death row!

Monday, November 26, 2018

"The US psychiatric system creates deadly financial problems!"

The US government works alongside the American psychiatrists to sadistically create painful financial problems for innocent targets of psychiatric intervention. This creation of serious financial problems helps to nurture pained states of existence and dependency in victims of psychiatry therefore helping to strengthen the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!" The actual mental well being of people unfortunate enough to see psychiatrists is of absolutely no consideration in this scheme. The US feds and cops keep targets of this tyranny under 24/7 satellite drone electronic surveillance and move in to immediately sabotage as many personal, academic and career interests of victims of psychiatry as possible. This intrusive electronic surveillance is horribly dehumanizing and is also used to undermine the normal brain functioning of its victims with the projection of images and painful electromagnetic waves into the brains of innocent men, women and children. Clearly psychiatry in the USA, as is true elsewhere across the world, is all about tyrannical oppressive government practices and unethical big business practices aimed at profiting greatly from the intense pain and suffering nurtured in people, and has absolutely nothing at all to actually do with proper mental health care prevention and treatment!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

"Psychiatric interventions into lives are despicable!"

The abusive and arrogant nature of psychiatric interventions into the lives of innocent people by the US government and American psychiatrists are abhorrent. There are rarely if ever any clear affirmative goals associated with such psychiatric interventions which consistently lead to tragically wasted lives. Lifetimes of hard studying and work aimed at getting ahead in the world are carelessly and sadistically needlessly thrown away in a flash by the psychiatrists, feds, cops and their own personal judges when psychiatric intervention occurs for whatever reasons. Associated personal and financial damages can be anticipated whether or not the psychiatric intervention is forced. The lawmakers and judges have helped to create a sick society with psychiatry by legalizing the detestable torture of people which is common with psychiatry!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

"The USA finds people 'guilty' of mental illness"

The US government and American psychiatrists have a clear policy of holding people as having been “guilty” of mental illness for their entire lives if they were at onetime labeled as mentally ill. This "guilty" verdict is upheld whether or not they were actually mentally ill or not, and even if they were and met with a complete cure with natural mental health care and are law abiding people. Effective natural mental health care interventions are not recognized in the targets of this tyranny as initiatives mount to attempt to sadistically force them to be maintained on the toxic arsenal of psychiatric drugs, which mimic mental illness and worse. Essentially the psychiatric drugs and other highly destructive and painful psychiatric interventions are being used to harshly punish people for having been found "guilty" of mental illness. This ignorant practice clearly undermines humane and effective initiatives to prevent and treat mental illness!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

"The psychiatric system is at war against mental health"

The psychiatrists, feds, cops, psychiatric court judges and others who work with these Psychiatric Abuse Cliques regularly declare war against everything necessary to realize mental health in men, women and children unfortunate enough to see them as patients. Along with the inherently destructive psychiatric interventions the attitudes and practices of the psychiatrists tear apart the foundations of life which are needed to be truly mentally healthy. Academic opportunities, career and financial opportunities, and social opportunities are regularly undermined by the psychiatric system with insistence these vital aspects of life are not relevant to treatment. And yet in the real world these aspects of life are essential to mental health and therefore the psychiatric system is actually aimed at preparing people for lifetimes of hell with intentionally compromised opportunities in life which often leads to poverty, homelessness and confinement in the mental hospital concentration camps!

Monday, November 19, 2018

"Injustice is justice in the brutal psychiatric system!"

It's hard define the factor which is the primary reason for the disintegration of humanity in the USA and elsewhere across the world. One consideration is a system of government built on intentional distortions of the truth and filthy lies which feeds off of inflicting as many of it's own citizens as possible with unnecessary and inexcusable financial and other hardships therefore ultimately fueling the abusive psychiatric system. Or perhaps the degeneracy of the psychiatric system itself has become the primary cause of the disintegration of humanity in our society. Either way victims of psychiatry can never anticipate finding justice from abuses in the psychiatric system because within this context gross injustices which innocent men, women and children are inflicted with are defined as justice by diabolically insane sadists who have created and who nurture such a perverse system!

Saturday, November 17, 2018

"Psychiatric intervention is a war of attrition!"

"Psychiatric intervention is a war of attrition!": The psychiatrists consistently focus on sickness instead of nurturing wellness. And in their quest to generate and nurture dependency and sickness for lifetimes in their patients psychiatrists work with the feds and cops along with their personal judges to implement wars of painful attrition against the targets of their tyranny. The psychiatric system leads to the tragic undermining of respect for the hard earned accomplishments of people with very intelligent and capable people who have the capacity to rise to the top in many realms of life instead being forced into a marginalized existence. The vital interests of victims of psychiatry are intentionally undermined with stigmatization resulting in hard lives with low paying jobs. This generally leads to a forced downhill socioeconomic drift associated with social isolation. This psychiatric war of attrition is aimed at creating states of pained existence which mimic chronic mental illness in order to fuel the powerful "Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!"

Thursday, November 15, 2018

"Psychiatrists take happiness away from their victims!"

In their consistent efforts to nurture pained states of existence which are lucrative for the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death" the psychiatrists and others who support them steal the opportunity to pursue happiness from the targets of their tyranny. The academic, career and financial plans of people unfortunate enough to see psychiatrists are severely undermined by psychiatric intervention and intentional stigmatization. Personal and financial problems which result from or are exacerbated by such negative interactions leads to highly distressed states of being which helps to generate more income for everyone working with the tragically destructive psychiatric system. All along the targets of this tyranny generally could have done well in all realms of their lives and experienced normal degrees of happiness without intervention by psychiatrists and instead simply with normal support systems!

Monday, November 12, 2018

"Psychiatry is a form of legalized cruelty to people!"

Psychiatric intervention consistently causes far more harm than good and yet the psychiatrists have been given control of the mental health system by the lawmakers and judiciary. The labels of the psychiatrists are used to stigmatize people and marginalize them in society and yet they have no reproducible scientific markers and are primarily based on the subjective whims of the psychiatrists. The psychiatric drugs are highly toxic poisons with a myriad of potential painful and dangerous acute and chronic side effects including suicidal and homicidal ideation and sometimes intent. The mental hospitals are concentration camps which have absolutely no diagnostic or therapeutic value. And the negative attitudes of the psychiatrists in dealing with vital academic, career and financial interests of men, women and children unfortunate enough to see them as patients generally leads to catastrophically wasted and impoverished lives. Essentially therefore cruelty to people has been legalized in a criminal society which overall has absolutely no respect for human rights!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

"Psychiatric intervention is a form of terrorism!"

Terror tactics are being used daily by the American psychiatrists working with the US feds, cops and judges to sadistically and brutally enforce their dangerous destructive interventions on people who otherwise could have generally done just fine in life. This all has nothing at all to do with actual proper humane mental health care prevention and treatment and is actually a form of brutal terrorism aimed at sadistically wiping out freedom, democracy, equal opportunity and individuality for all but a select group of extremely wealthy elitists across the USA. This terrorism fuels the powerful and lucrative "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!"

Saturday, November 10, 2018

"The psychiatric system heightens risk for shootings!"

The arrogant, detached and destructive nature of psychiatric intervention helps to set the stage for the shooting of innocent people across the USA. Individuals who once appeared peaceful and harmless are often turned into brutal animals who get a high from crippling and killing people due to the dangerous disruptions of their brain chemistry with psychiatric drugs. When this happens the situation becomes a legal nightmare because although murder can not be forgiven by society the person doing the killing in such instances has actually been turned into someone else with toxic chemicals from psychiatric drugs in their brain just as when someone takes toxic illicit drugs. Furthermore, the intentional legal stigmatization of people who have had the misfortune of seeing psychiatrists generally leads to serious academic and career problems and sometimes even deadly blacklists. This all causes and exacerbates mental health problems even as the psychiatrists insist time off from such daily stressors is important for what they insist is the healing process. And paradoxically the manpower of law enforcement is often tragically misdirected towards keeping innocent, law abiding and peace loving mental health care human rights activists who have been hit with retaliatory accusations of mental illness by the psychiatrists under intense electronic surveillance. The vital financial interests of these people are also often blacklisted. This leads to less manpower from the feds and police to focus on confronting the very serious problem of shooters. And in this way well educated people who could be effectively promoting mental health and a more peaceful society are being marginalized and kept out of the mainstream of life!

Friday, November 9, 2018

"Whistleblowing by victims leads to more abuse!"

Victims of psychiatry who seek justice by whistleblowing about the abuses they have been targeted by are generally hit with an intensification of abuses. This is primarily because the psychiatrists themselves and other physicians and nurses who work with them, along with the psychiatric court judges, US feds, and cops who help to enforce the tyrannical quackery of psychiatry are actually terrorists who insist that being tortured by psychiatric intervention for whatever reasons represents good prevention and treatment for mental health issues. Therefore when targets of this brutality complain about being abused or file official reports about this abuse they are hit with intensified psychiatric intervention, or what is actually intensified torture, in order to deal with what the terrorist Psychiatric Abuse Cliques insist are delusional states associated with treatment that wasn't powerful enough!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

"Kids are set up for painful lives by psychiatry"

The psychiatrists are leeches of society who profit by creating conditions which mimic mental illness and by exacerbating mental health issues in order to attempt to create disability. By intentionally not prioritizing successful completion of school, careers and financial interests kids unfortunate enough to be their patients are set up for horribly painful lives. The psychiatrists themselves along with the psychiatric court judges, feds and cops who help to enforce psychiatry do not give any consideration to the human rights of victims of psychiatry. These cruel entities intentionally create and enforce psychiatric stigmatization while insisting there are more important things in life than school, careers and money when mental health issues arise. And yet it is literally impossible for people to achieve any relevant degrees of mental health without being well educated and without good well paying jobs or adequate money from other sources. And it takes an awfully lot of money to cover for ineligibility for adequate Social Security benefits and Medicare benefits which occurs without adequate earned income over an extended period of time. And so overall psychiatric intervention for any reasons at all in childhood sets kids up for wasted and painful lives and ultimately for severe abuses and premature deaths when they are in their 60s because of the cruelty of the psychiatrists and their supporters in the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!"

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

"Economic slaves are intentionally created by psychiatry”

In order to help create and enforce pained states of existence which mimic mental illness and which exacerbate mental health issues the psychiatrists work with their personal judges and the feds and cops to undermine the financial well being of the innocent targets of their joint tyranny. The terrorist abuse cliques of psychiatrists, their judges, feds and cops work together with precision to destroy the vital academic and career interests of victims of the psychiatric system. Others in society who sadistically enjoy using the legal angle of psychiatry to inflict intense degrees of pain and suffering upon innocent people work with the psychiatric abuse cliques. This all leads to intellectually and emotionally intelligent law abiding people who are well educated struggling to survive on the fringes of society with low paying jobs if they can get any jobs at all. The economic slaves created by the psychiatric system are severely marginalized in society as they are also inappropriately dealt with as if they are criminals because of psychiatric stigmatization, even in the absence of criminal conduct.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

"The US Psychiatric Genocide Machine operates 24/7!”

Criminally insane US feds and cops, working with likewise criminally insane American psychiatrists have been turning up the heat of satellite drone electromagnetic torture of sane human rights activists every second of every minute of every single day across the USA. This coupled with cruel blacklists and intentional misdiagnoses of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder has resulted in the largest scale silent genocide of millions upon millions of decent people by their own country in world history. To make matters worse the monsters responsible for this tyranny have been bragging over transmitted airwaves that since they are American agents and psychiatrists they can get away with this while blasting only foreign nations as being responsible for such filthy human rights violations. This has all resulted in massive poverty and homelessness in the USA with at this moment little babies of every race being eaten alive by huge rats in the ghettos of America’s inner city ghettos from New York City to Houston, LA and further, as their parents dig into trash bins to find scraps of food before finally being raped, knifed and shot to death 24/7 in what is therefore actually the most horrible fraud in world history, the USA!

Saturday, November 3, 2018

"The psychiatric system enforces financial hardship!”

Psychiatrists and their supporters inside and outside of the medical profession make use of the creation and enforcement of financial hardship to generate pained lifestyles which mimic chronic mental illness. Intentional psychiatric stigmatization and deadly blacklists are included in this formula of madness aimed at helping the cruel and greedy psychiatrists label their victims as chronically mentally ill so they can profit off of them for the remainder of their lives. Regardless of how well educated and capable law abiding victims of psychiatry are their vital academic and career interests are targeted by the psychiatrists to take them down and keep them down. The US feds and cops along with the psychiatric court judges are terrorists who help to enforce this ugly tyranny with any means imaginable in order to fuel the powerful "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!"

Friday, November 2, 2018

"Careers & fortunes are wasted by psychiatrists!”

Psychiatrists consistently ruin the hard earned careers of people unfortunate enough to have seen them as patients. This also generally leads to the catastrophic wasting of financial assets leading to severely comprised lifestyles for entire families over generations as family estates are ruined due to very low income paying jobs for highly educated people because of psychiatric stigmatization. The psychiatrists and their supporters, which includes many other doctors and nurses, along with the feds, cops and psychiatric court judges, consistently come across as being horribly sadistic sociopaths in dealing with this problem as they work together to enforce such hardships against victims of psychiatry. These tyrants consistently insist the targets of their joint destructive activities are not capable of doing challenging well paying work for which they are well qualified well due to mental illness, with generally no credible evidence to back this up. Clearly the resulting financial and anticipated social problems this all leads to creates and exacerbates pained states of being which mimic mental illness, instead of nurturing mental health!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

"People are catastrophically marginalized by psychiatry!”

Psychiatry is a type of legalized tyranny in a hypocritically disturbed society which enables cruel people with a great deal of money and power to simply get rid of those less fortunate than they are. The psychiatrists themselves along with their personal judges assist the feds and cops in marginalizing targets of psychiatric tyranny with intentional stigmatization and potentially lethal blacklists. Psychiatry serves as an expedient manner to brutally crush the vital interests and futures of young people before they ever have a chance to compete in society and get ahead in life financially and socially. Nevertheless the psychiatrists and US government along with other supporters of the oppressive psychiatric system turn logic upside down by insisting the compromised states of existence of their victims is due to chronic mental illness even though the victims of these abuses generally have the capacity to do very well in life if offered the the right opportunities without being undermined by psychiatry! 

Mental Health Association

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

"Human brains are being experimented on with psychiatry!”

The US government has been working with the like-minded diabolically insane American psychiatrists and other doctors who support their tyranny to sadistically experiment on the minds of intelligent sane social activists to torture them by mimicking what they call mental illness in them for decades. Intentional misdiagnoses of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, organized public ridicule and hate campaigns, intense satellite drone transmitted surveillance and electronic badgering warfare, deadly blacklists, forced low standards of living and poverty, physical beatings, the creation and use of psychiatric drugs which do not actually target any mental illnesses and which instead cause acute and chronic painful neurological problems and even brain damage, and the development of mental hospital concentration camps across the country have all been part of this American styled tyranny by a government and psychiatrists who are criminals and chronic liars about what they have been doing and what their motives have been. The psychiatric interventions for people who may be suffering from some type of emotional problems are just as destructive in nature. All of this fuels the very powerful and lucrative "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!"

Monday, October 29, 2018

"Dissent in the USA is brutally crushed with psychiatry!”

Criminally insane sadistic sociopaths who are in control of the USA, which includes lawmakers, federal agents, cops, psychiatrists and their personal judges, insist that only they are actually capable of working for affirmative changes in the system and that their harshest critics should shut up because of the social unrest their criticisms could lead to. Yet these monsters are directly responsible for horrible crimes against humanity daily. They have set up a system of mass torture and murder across the USA around what they call mental health care. Sophisticated invisible satellite drone electronic warfare of the nature developed to confront well armed hostile enemies of war is used to target the victims of this tyranny with painful intense badgering around the clock. Associated organized public ridicule campaigns and deadly blacklists help to finish off dissenters who are alleged to be mentally ill. Clearly such destructive interventions coupled with the highly toxic arsenal of poisonous psychiatric drugs and railroading into the nation's mental hospital concentration system severely compromises the well being of men, women and children whether or not they have actually been confronted with mental health issues, instead of nurturing the capacity for natural mental health in them!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

"Psychiatrists should not be paid!”

More people are crippled and killed a year by psychiatrists and their toxic arsenal of poisonous drugs along with their other destructive interventions than by drunk drivers, street gangs and terrorists. So you should be careful and you should not trust anyone who wants you to see a psychiatrist, even if it's a judge. And remember you are not paranoid if you feel psychiatrists are your enemies. They really are your mortal enemies and will feed off of nurturing sickness in you instead of wellness for huge profits if they can get their hands on you. Psychiatrists earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and yet they should not be paid a dime for their tyranny. Their victims should be very careful about being intimidated by these monsters to sign health insurance forms and other types of payment forms for their tragically abusive services!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

"Psychiatry has killed off basic freedoms in the USA!”

A protection of the basic freedoms of the people is completely dead and gone in the USA. The feds, police and psychiatrists, Congress and White House have the country wired with satellite drones and often have activists, who are primarily poor, thrown out of school and work when they criticize the state of affairs here. The targets of this brutality are than beaten up by the police and railroaded into mental hospital concentration camps and jails even though they are not mentally ill and the are not guilty of any crimes. Swift, fixed kangaroo civil court proceedings are used to legalize falsified diagnoses of mental illness and the police and government raise the arrest records of these victims of American tyranny for the remainder of their now pained lives. Most of the targets of this tyranny end up being raped, shot, knifed and beaten to death in the nation’s ghettos where the US government drives them. On top of all of this the satellite drones are used for 24/7 badgering and literal torture with high energy waves with the US feds and cops than cursing their victims and cracking down on them harder for blasting the US government for having them tortured!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

“American medical schools torture & murder activists with psychiatry!”

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

“Mental illness is created in others for VIPs & very wealthy people!”

When very powerful and wealthy people in the USA insist someone with less power and influence who does not offer them blind support must be mentally ill the terrorist US feds and cops often move in to help the criminally insane psychiatrists create pained states of existence which mimics mental illness in the targets of this tyranny. Intense satellite drone electronic warfare which is sophisticated enough to use on heavily armed enemies of war is used to break down the minds of innocent targets of this tyranny. Intentional stigmatization with psychiatric labels coupled with the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs and railroading into the mental hospital concentration camp system along with cruel and deadly academic and career blacklists are also used to undermine the well being of people targeted with this inhumane brutality!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

"People are being programmed by psychiatry to be destructive to themselves & others!"

In their quest to get ahead in life people generally feel blind support for the authority figures is vital. Although this aspect of the pursuit of success is written into the Communist systems and not necessarily written into the so called democratic systems, activist victims of severe discrimination by the systems in the non-Communist world know that in the final analysis the systems are the same with the will of the governments generally being overpowering. The legalization of the highly destructive discipline of psychiatry means the governments overall support the painful and deadly interventions of psychiatrists even when dealing with innocent men, women and children. The inherent drive to get ahead in life has people incorporating highly destructive values into their mindsets because of the mass marketing of psychiatry. This has scores of people endorsing the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs and the mental hospital concentration camps along with other destructive psychiatric interventions!

Friday, October 19, 2018

"The US government uses electronic torture to manufacture mental illness!"

The US government is heavily invested in the manufacturing of pained states of existence which mimic mental illness for huge profits. The US feds, cops and psychiatrists work closely alongside the psychiatrists and their personal psychiatric court judges to fuel the powerful and lucrative "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death." Via gross invasions of privacy with satellite drones Americans are actually under close surveillance even when at home and the feds and cops determine who they desire to sacrifice to the highly destructive psychiatric system based on personal biases and bigotries dealing with personal lifestyles and ideas. As a matter of fact this dehumanization of the human condition has gone so far this space age technology is actually being used to literally read minds and decisions to manufacture mental illness are often based on fleeting thoughts and emotions or even fantasies. When the feds and cops determine they don't like someone based on these gross violations of their rights to privacy they dangerously manipulate their thoughts, emotions and behavior with electronic warfare and railroad them into seeing psychiatrists. The feds and cops discuss with the psychiatrists whether they prefer the stigmatizing label of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or major depression among others. The targets of this tyranny are than put one or more of the poisonous psychiatric drugs, knowing all along these drugs have great potential to cause very serious acute and chronic side effects which can lead to the victims being crippled or to committing murder or suicide. Behind the lines the feds and cops also use the dissemination of filthy lies in dealing with their victims to catastrophically ruin their personal lives, careers and therefore generally also their financial well being!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

"The US psychiatric system routinely covers up Jamal Khashoggi like abuses!"

There is no denying that the Saudi Arabian Jamal Khashoggi scandal is a horrible thing and that whoever is responsible for his apparent death in a Saudi Arabian consulate in Turkey should be brought to justice in a proper criminal court of law. However, the hypocrisy of the US government in confronting this matter is repulsive in view of the fact that the US psychiatric system is responsible for the routine torture and slow meticulous murders of innocent people. The US feds, cops, psychiatrists and their personal judges insist the targets of this abuse are mentally ill and so this is what they deserve, which is an archaic criminal way of confronting the issue of emotional issues. Furthermore, many of the targets of the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death" are simply perfectly sane human rights activists who have been sharply critical of US government hypocritical policies and practices in dealing with human rights issues. The US government and American psychiatrists of course lie about all of this as the nation covers up scores of Jamal Khashoggi like scandals daily!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

"The USA has an unusually high rate of destruction of mentally stable people with psychiatry!"

There is a very serious problem of the abuse of people in need of humane mental health care with the highly destructive discipline of psychiatry. The legalization of psychiatry in the USA results in pathetically sadistic feds and cops working with the diabolically insane psychiatrists and their psychiatric court judges to actually consistently worsen the conditions of people in need of good mental health care intervention. To make matters even worse the potent weapon of psychiatry is used to sadistically destroy human rights activists and others who are emotionally stable with intentionally falsified psychiatric diagnoses coupled with the destructive arsenal of psychiatric interventions. Psychiatry consistently proves to be all about corrupt politics and corrupt big business practices in the USA and elsewhere and actually has nothing to do with ethical science or humane mental health care!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

"Good people are tortured financially in the USA's mental illness manufacturing process!"

As a manifestation of their uncontrolled rages against civilized people the barbaric US feds, cops and psychiatrists work aggressively to literally torture the generally very intelligent and capable targets of their tyranny with torture dealing with money. These monsters insist their victims are more stable mentally with just a little money if any money at all and that having a lot of money is somehow bad for their mental health. Clearly the exact opposite is true. By turning common sense inside out these ignorant Psychiatric Abuse Cliques and their supporters which includes their personal judges create unusually high anxiety states in the targets of their insanity who also find themselves struggling to survive with created and enforced financial stressors due to cruel and deadly blacklists based on intentional stigmatization. The marginalization of the lives of the victims of psychiatry is all part of the manufacturing process of mental illness aimed at fueling "The American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!"

Monday, October 15, 2018

"Victims of psychiatry are dealt with worse than cockroaches in the USA!"

The policies and practices of the US government and others across the USA, as encouraged by the US government, in dealing with victims of psychiatry ranks among the most archaic and ignorant in the world. As a matter of fact the value placed on the lives of innocent targets of psychiatric tyranny is lower than the value placed on the lives of cockroaches. US feds, cops and psychiatrists work together to arrogantly have the human rights of these victims severely violated daily wherever they may go. The type of rampant societal abuse which this leads to due to intentional psychiatric stigmatization is detrimental for the mental health of people whether or not they have ever actually suffered from anything. Some of the most intelligent people in the country suffer their entire lives in menial jobs with low wages, if they can get any jobs at all, because of this chronic abuse. The feds, cops and psychiatrists display the characteristics of tragically sadistic psychopaths by encouraging and helping to enforce such situations coupled with organized public ridicule campaigns. Positive interactions with opportunities in life and the enhanced quality of life which this all brings has the potential to nurture mental health in anyone and this is why this is not what these sadistic psychopaths want for their arbitrary victims. This all goes on around the clock for lifetimes showing that sadly the FBI agents and the police in the USA along with the psychiatrists in the USA are ignorant and dangerous sadistic hoodlums who intentionally destroy decent people, their family's financial well being and their children's lives. The judiciary in the country is clearly also largely made up of sadistic criminals who are a total disgrace for endorsing this tragic idiocy. And so since this all clearly leaves the USA as ranking among the most horrible human rights abuser nations in world history the USA is also the leading terrorist nation in the world!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

"The USA is a brutal Psychiatric Welfare State!"

The terrorist US government pays US feds and cops who work with the diabolically insane American psychiatrists extremely well to literally torture sane activists, poor people & others 24/7 while the generally well educated and peaceful targets of this tyranny suffer in created and enforced poverty. Clearly not just American styled democracy but also American styled capitalism are pathetically dangerous frauds which are constructed around the painful slaughters of the majority of the people by the extremely wealthy and privileged minority who endorse psychiatric tyranny for enormous profits. This is basically what American psychiatry is all about wherein the wealthy grow wealthier daily feeding off of the extreme hardships which they create and nurture daily for the poor in the deadly American Psychiatric Welfare State. And all along the arrogant manners of enforcement of the filthy abuses inherent in psychiatry by the feds, cops and psychiatrists shows that they are brutal hoodlums who are as dangerous as members of armed street gangs. Clearly there is no actual interest in the mental health and overall welfare of the majority of the people in this filthy system of profitable abuses!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

"Psychiatric abuses are intensified in response to whistleblowing!"

The US feds, cops, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, other doctors and nurses who work with them and others in society who endorse psychiatric tyranny form networks of communication and share information in order to hold victims of psychiatry in their locked in system of tyranny. Valid reports to the authorities by decent men, women and children, who are unfortunate enough to have seen psychiatrists as patients, about being abused emotionally, physically, sexually, with drugs, financially and otherwise are dealt with as if the reports themselves manifest recalcitrance associated with delusional states of being. And so instead of getting help as victims of the trauma of psychiatric abuse the targets of this tyranny are hit with an intensification of abuses including intentionally falsified diagnoses of serious mental illnesses, poisoning with the toxic arsenal of psychiatric drugs, railroading into the mental hospital concentration camp system, police beatings and false arrests, social isolation based on the dissemination of filthy lies among the public, inappropriate large insurance and cash billings, and cruel and deadly blacklists. This is all aimed at immobilizing victims of psychiatry in order to cement in them pained states of being which mimic chronic mental illness!

Friday, October 12, 2018

"Credible critics of psychiatry are often tortured & murdered in the USA!"

The criminally insane American psychiatrists, with full support from the chronically abusive and sadistic US feds and cops, move in to maliciously and sadistically enslave, torture and slowly murder activist physicians and others who make valid criticisms of human rights abuses which are inherent in the practice of psychiatry, instead of working with them for affirmative changes. The methods of madness used by these monsters are intentional misdiagnoses of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, drugging with the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs, police beatings and false arrests, incarcerations in mental hospital concentration camps, enforced social isolation, cruel blacklists and swift, fixed kangaroo civil court proceedings before their own personal judges in closed civil courts in order to legalize this tyrannical insanity. And so American psychiatry has not progressed beyond its ignorant and abusive savagery since it was founded and never will and so psychiatry clearly should be permanently abolished!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

"The USA is a terror state which tortures victims of psychiatry over money!"

The US feds, cops, psychiatrists and their personal judges have created a powerful terrorist state whose strongest weapon is to literally torture well qualified, intelligent and perfectly sane activists over money. Intentional stigmatization with the myriad of mythical psychiatric diagnoses along with organized public ridicule campaigns and cruel and deadly blacklists are primary methods of madness used by this gang of hoodlums. The highly potent poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs and railroading into the American mental hospital concentration camp system are also used to break down the targets of psychiatric tyranny in the USA. The US government goes as far as targeting investments of their victims and working to crash markets in them to help solidify pained states of being which mimic mental illness, with no concerns about how many other innocent people are also financially ruined as a fallout from such destructive maneuvers. This all leads to highly intelligent and well educated targets of psychiatric tyranny and their families along with other fallout victims across the USA in a day to day painful fight to survive due to created and enforced serious financial hardships!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

"The psychiatric system denies the unalienable rights of Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness"!

Psychiatrists consistently violate the basic concepts of the Declaration of Independence in the USA by refusing to accept that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." The psychiatrists insist those men, women and children who are unfortunate enough to at sometime be their patients should not have these basic rights recognized because the illnesses they supposedly suffer from make it impossible for them to fit into the society like other people, even in the absence of criminal behavior. This is an absurd notion which fails to recognize that human beings simply can not thrive and be healthy and happy without these basic unalienable rights protected. The consistent support of the tyrannical quackery of psychiatrists by their personal psychiatric court judges, the feds, cops and lawmakers sadly conveys the message that these powerful entities are tyrants who hold the concept of a free society in disdain!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

"The US government endorsed medical schools seek candidates who support psychiatric torture!"

The primary criteria of the US federal agents and cops in offering support for candidates for the medical schools and specialty training thereafter is that they manifest attitudes which will offer full support for the psychiatric slaughter of mental health care human rights activists and others in order to fuel the powerful “American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!” The actual intelligence of candidates and their actual commitment to providing quality healthcare has little to do with such considerations. When occasionally activists begin to slip through this system and make it into medical school before their humanistic orientations become clear they are confronted with dangerous resistance to their careers. These innocent people are victimized by federal and police surveillance, badgering and other abuses along with intentionally falsified allegations of mental illness!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

"Mild mannered men are being maliciously labelled as mentally ill by tyrants!"

The terrorist US feds, cops, psychiatrists and their personal judges have been maliciously and sadistically labeling intelligent, law abiding and mild mannered men who have not been alleged to have sexually assaulted young girls in high school, or at anytime in their lives, as schizophrenics and manic-depressives. The targets of this ignorant tyranny are than lead into or forced into painful and destructive psychiatric intervention, ridiculed and blacklisted with assertions they’re not like the other guys and don’t fit well in the American society. These victims have had the potential to prosper in any sane society in the world and yet they must struggle in despair on the fringes of society in the USA!

Saturday, October 6, 2018

"Psychiatrists use allegations less serious than those against Kavanaugh to crush people!"

Psychiatrists are like overly aggressive federal agents and cops who will attempt to use anything you say against you to steal your rights in court. This of course makes it impossible for psychiatrists to actually develop a therapeutic relationship with anyone. As a matter of fact the allegations used against really decent men, women and children to solidify damaging cases of mental illness against them are often less serious in nature than the allegations which have been made against Judge Kavanaugh, who has been nominated for the Supreme Court of the United States by President Trump. The allegations are generally inconsequential or completely fabricated and yet they lead to erroneous legal labeling of people with the trendy entities of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. These labels which have been popularized by the psychiatrists themselves in cheap tabloids are very damaging for the personal, social, academic, career, and financial interests of people!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

"Unfeeling monsters torture emotionally warm people with psychiatry!"

A favored method of madness of 'Psychiatric Abuse Cliques' is to insist emotionally warm targets of their tyranny lack feelings for human beings and deserve to lose their legal rights and to be dealt with harshly. In reality it is the psychiatrists themselves along with the psychiatric nurses, other doctors and nurses who endorse psychiatry, feds, cops and their personal judges who are cruel unfeeling monsters who profit greatly from instituting their joint sadistic tyranny against good people. When the victims of this brutality cry out in pain and swear at their tormentors this is alleged to manifest how horribly ill they really are and they are put on highly toxic psychiatric drugs which dull normal emotional responses. Than the tyrants responsible for all of this ask how anyone could say such emotionless zombies aren't very ill and in need of constant treatment!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

"Victims of psychiatry are tortured with isolation based on filthy lies!"

The policies and practices of the psychiatrists as enforced by the US feds, cops and their personal judges are consistently detrimental to the well being of targets of psychiatric intervention. The primary motive in implementing cruel and destructive practices in dealing with these people is clearly to fuel the "Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death" at all costs with no concerns at all for the pain and suffering of the victims of psychiatry. Social isolation based on filthy lies about the emotional well being, intellectual capacity and background of targets of this tyranny is deemed as an effective way to keep these people from making waves in dealing with the consistent horrible abuses inherent in this system!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

"Psychiatrists are wasting brain power!"

Psychiatrists carelessly label people with stigmatizing entities such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder so they can get insurance payments. This is followed by highly destructive interventions including the toxic arsenal of psychiatric drugs which have serious acute side effects with horrible long-term consequences and debilitating chronic side effects. The majority of men, women and children targeted by psychiatry are actually law abiding, creative, compassionate and intelligent people. The totality of the damages from psychiatric intervention often results in these people being callously pushed out of the mainstream of life with their potential to produce well in various realms cruelly undermined. This wasting of valuable brain power is hurting the individuals victimized by psychiatry, their families and society!

Monday, October 1, 2018

"Psychiatric intervention causes and exacerbates depression!"

The arrogance and cruelty of the psychiatrists themselves coupled with the brutality of their interventions and toxic nature of their drugs causes and exacerbates depression. This is very dangerous with many victims of psychiatric tyranny resolving to commit suicide if they are ever confronted with the possibility of seeing psychiatrists again. Furthermore, this clearly means that the entire medical-legal system in dealing with the highly sensitive issue of possible suicide attempts is all wrong. If someone you care for is suspected of a suicide attempt the only legal expedient way to try to save them is a 911 call which leads to psychiatric intervention. Unless the entire mental health care system is overhauled with alternative treatment options built into 911 emergency calls, and this is not likely in the corrupt system which has lead things in this direction, the only answer to this serious problem is to remain highly supportive of someone you care for in such an emergency setting and work with them on as speedy a release from the hospital as possible. You can than offer help with humane natural mental health care interventions with the assistance of qualified non-psychiatric professionals who have an interest in this area!

Saturday, September 29, 2018

"It doesn't seem to be an accident that psychiatric drugs cripple & kill people!"

A careful review of the history of psychiatry reveals that it has been a highly destructive discipline of abuse ever since its genesis. People who have seen psychiatrists have been consistently physically and emotionally abused whether or not they have actually suffered from any type of emotional problems. Kidnappings to mental hospital concentration camps, beatings, strait jackets, electroconvulsive therapy, isolation, and stigmatization along with anticipated career and financial ruination have been among the mainstays of psychiatric intervention. The development of psychotropic drugs was seen as a major advancement in the psychiatric sciences when actually overall the devastating effects of surgical lobotomies have simply been replaced with the devastating effects of chemical lobotomies when many of these drugs are taken over long periods of time. And the severity of acute side effects often seen with psychotropic drugs generally has long term negative consequences due to associated social, academic and career ruination. The psychiatrists along with the feds, cops and their judges who work with them clearly share ignorant positions that the men, women and children they have labelled as mentally ill should be set aside in society and disposed of instead of offered humane nurturing for their mental health. The psychotropic drugs are powerful weapons in this painful disposal process!

Friday, September 28, 2018

"Psychiatrists are lousy doctors who demonstrate idiocy in the practice of mental health care!"

The psychiatrists insist they are good doctors for after all they study and work for years to become psychiatrists and to board certify themselves as psychiatrists. Upon careful consideration of this matter  it becomes clear all of the psychiatrists are excellent psychiatrists. They all after all are brilliant at deceiving people into believing they are sophisticated and mean well for their mental health while intentionally misdiagnosing them with serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder for huge profits based on projections of their joint subjective bigotries which has nothing at all to do with real science and good medicine. And they are all brilliant at breaking down everything democratic systems and capitalism are supposed to stand for by stealing people’s rights and by undermining their ability to effectively use their talents and intelligence to compete well in society to earn a nice living. And psychiatrists are all brilliant at beating people up and having them beaten up in their mental hospital concentration camps, while insisting this is treatment. Psychiatrists are also brilliant at causing seizures, blackouts, and brain damage with their toxic arsenal of psychiatric drugs, while also doing a pretty good job of tearing apart just about every other vital organ in the human body with their poisons. Psychiatrists are also brilliant at turning logic around and hitting their victims with swift, fixed civil cases in kangaroo court proceedings in order to give the targets of their tyranny civil records therefore making it appear as if the victims of their tyranny are somehow not decent people in society with the trash psychiatrists using brutal generally unprovoked force to demand and get respect in society, which is respect they never earned and never deserved. And all along psychiatrists are lousy doctors who can’t treat a common cold or high blood pressure properly and who have often misdiagnosed people with a bad cold and a run down feeling or someone tired from exposure to cigarette smoke with schizophrenia, and someone hyped up from too much caffeine with bipolar disorder. The bottom line is this is what psychiatry is all about and all of the psychiatrists represent together one big megamind of brilliance in their tyrannical discipline and pure idiocy when it comes to being decent doctors with a sense of genuine caring for their patients.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

"The human rights abuses in the psychiatric system in the USA manifest a nation on the skids!"

The situation with the American psychiatrists is at critical levels with a drive for decades to make up the entire American psychiatric community with like-minded diabolically insane sadists meeting with success. These leeches of society demonstrate absolutely no social consciousness and even brutally steal the dreams and lives of small children in their consistent and callous attempts to corner as much of the wealth of the United States as possible. The poorest people in the nation are very vulnerable to being targets of their tyranny in a corrupt welfare state system which pays the psychopaths working as American psychiatrists very well to dispose of men, women, and children in the dark abyss of America’s "No Exit" psychiatric institutional and social pits. And so a quite mass extermination of the lower classes who were not born into the privileged wealthy classes in the USA and squeezing out of the middle classes has been gaining momentum daily. Sometimes the diabolically insane American psychiatrists can not get away with disposing of their victims in the nation’s concentration camp system, or jails and mental hospitals, due to an occasional shocking appearance of social consciousness by some of the nations judges who sometimes refuse to allow the psychiatrists to hold the victims of this tyranny. However, the vermin in American psychiatry nevertheless continue to work alongside consistently sadistic FBI agents and American cops to have their random targets of mental health care human rights abuses blacklisted and starved into hysterical states with their families. These families who are targeted for such American atrocities generally end up being beaten, raped, robbed, knifed, and shot in the inner city ghettos of America if they are not eaten alive by large rats and other rodents first. The American psychiatrists, and the clinical psychologists, whom they often work alongside, have been growing more and more arrogant about the nature of the human rights abuses they perpetrate on a daily basis as they become wealthier and more powerful. They have been saying anything to lure or force people into their abusive system which is very lucrative for them with no concern about chronic lying and the pain and suffering this leads to for their victims. And so the most people across the United States can often do is keep up their vigilance and try to protect themselves from these abuses in a nation which has become the most brutal mental health care human rights violator nation in the history of mankind. Perhaps prayer could also help people cope with the realities of this tragic situation in a nation on the skids in the eyes of humanity, the United States of America!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

"The American psychiatric system creates financial nightmares!"

While constantly bickering over their six figure a year contract salaries and incredible benefits and while striving to keep the occupancy rates in their for profit mental hospital concentration camps as high as the Hilton Hotels the criminally insane American psychiatrists nevertheless continue to preach to their victims that money is not important. And the American taxpayers who finance the enormous welfare payments and health insurance payments for these leeches of society generally don't raise any questions about the huge incomes of the psychiatrists who keep insisting they deserve to earn a fortune since they trained so many years. The fact of the matter is their long years of training are just a right of passage to enable them to very profitably implement their tyranny. All along men, women and children who are extremely intellectually and emotionally intelligent, honest, ethical and law abiding people are intentionally pushed into financial nightmares by the psychiatrists who consistently work to undermine the potential of people unfortunate enough to be their patients instead of to nurture their abilities to produce in healthy ways. Family fortunes are tragically wasted as well educated and well credentialed targets of psychiatric tyranny lead wasted lives due to intentional stigmatization by the psychiatrists with support from the US feds, police and judiciary. This is all part of the manufacturing of pained states of existence which mimic mental illness in America!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

"Psychiatric Abuse Cliques crackdown on diversity!"

Whether or not targets of psychiatric intervention have ever actually suffered from any type of emotional problems which would warrant professional assistance the interventions by psychiatrists are consistently highly destructive in nature. The creation and enforcement of stigmatization for people who have seen psychiatrists by the feds, cops, psychiatrists and their judges along with others who support the psychiatric system generally leads to the catastrophic ruination of careers and financial hardship for victims of psychiatry in most walks of life. Essentially this leads to a harsh crackdown on diversity as the psychiatric system feeds off of the problems it has created and intensified for innocent men, women and children who are simply often arbitrarily chosen to be sacrificed to this cruel system!

Monday, September 24, 2018

"American psychiatrists are the world's most repulsive mental health bigots!"

The American psychiatrists are like-minded diabolically insane sadists who rank among the worse mental health care bigots on the planet. They arrogantly refuse to deal with people they themselves have labelled as having suffered from mental illness at sometime in their lives as being normal human beings with a lot of potential in life, even when this is in fact true as is usually so. Furthermore, most of the victims of psychiatry were never even actually mentally ill to begin with. And whether or not they have actually suffered from some type of mental illness the victims of psychiatry are generally far more intellectually and emotionally intelligent and ethical than the psychiatrists. Pathetically the US feds, cops and their personal judges along with potential well paying employers including in the medical profession generally endorse and help to implement painful and deadly human rights abuses associated with the gross ignorance of the psychiatrists in dealing with victims of psychiatry!

Saturday, September 22, 2018

"The US psychiatric system targets intelligent activists!"

The US government has had a covert policy for years of aggressively working to attempt to literally destroy the brains of very intelligent and well educated activists whose complaints about corruption and abuses in the American system are valid. The favored intentional misdiagnoses of perfectly sane and law abiding human rights activists in the USA has been the trendy entities of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder as haphazardly popularized in American gossip magazines and the syndicated press. The American feds, cops & psychiatrists with support from their personal judges have been the primary players in moving in to hit dissidents with painful and destructive psychiatric stigmatization, interventions and blacklists. Clearly psychiatry in the USA, just like elsewhere, is all about rigid social control, brutal politics and corrupt big business and has nothing at all to actually do with appropriate mental health care!

Friday, September 21, 2018

"The US government & psychiatrists brutally retaliate against whistle blowers!"

There are harsh retaliatory measures by the US government and American psychiatrists in dealing with whistle blowing regarding human rights abuses by psychiatrists. A pattern of abuses of whistle blowers generally includes insisting their protests of abuses are in themselves manifestations of mental illness with more destructive psychiatric interventions to follow coupled with intensified public stigmatization and blacklists. And the feds and police use credible protests of psychiatric abuse to insist intensified satellite drone electronic surveillance and badgering are justified since they are dealing with potential problems by individuals labelled as having mental problems in the US legal system and whose rights therefore do not deserve to be respected. This all manifests a situation wherein the USA adheres to intolerably ignorant and brutal policies in dealing with mental health care!

Thursday, September 20, 2018

"The American psychiatric system routinely shuts down lives with great potential!"

There are few things as tragic in this world as totally wasting the potential and lives of human beings and yet this is routinely done by the American psychiatric system of terror. In spite of laws on the books at both federal and state levels in the USA which are supposed to protect victims of psychiatry from discrimination in school and at work the psychiatrists, feds and cops themselves consistently display cruel and arrogant indifference to the human rights of these people as they have them directly and indirectly abused in society. It is never in a person's best interests, whether or not they may have dealt with mental health issues, to have their potential in life unnecessarily shut down while having them socially isolated and yet this is routinely done to well educated and law abiding targets of psychiatric tyranny. These people find good opportunities which they deserve in the academic world and in the work world cruelly shut down due to stigmatization created and enforced by the feds, cops and psychiatrists themselves who are therefore actually terrorists who just do what they want to human beings based on their own ignorant bigotries and sadism. This all leads to tragically wasted potential and lives of good people who otherwise generally could have succeeded and prospered in various realms of their lives!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

"Normal activists in the USA are labelled as having have structural brain damage!"

The American psychiatrists are tyrants who with support from the terrorist US government have been insisting perfectly sane, law abiding, intellectually and emotionally intelligent mental health care human rights activist targets of intentional misdiagnoses of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and their children, have structural brain defects, without any scientific evidence for this. This quackery is than used to justify drugging with highly toxic psychiatric drugs which are actually slow killing poisons, incarcerations in mental hospital concentration camps and intentional stigmatization with social isolation and cruel blacklists as these men, women and children are methodically tortured and slowly murdered in such manners by the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death". In the end the destructive interventions of the psychiatrists are so painful and dangerous they can actually cause brain damage in their victims and clearly do not benefit anyone!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

"The US government has been torturing the brains of victims of psychiatry!"

The US government assists the psychiatrists in the creation of pained states of being which mimic mental illness by literally torturing the brains of mental health care human rights activists and other arbitrary targets of psychiatric tyranny with satellite drone electronic warfare. High intensity electromagnetic waves which evoke unsettled feelings, thoughts and images are projected into the brains of the victims of this tyranny. Often times the subjects of this brutality are also victimized by manipulation of their brain waves which causes them to say and do unusual things which are viewed as being signs of mental illness. Victims of this torture are told they are psychotic and need powerful and dangerous psychotropic drugs when they report on this and these drugs generally cause even more problems for the victims. This total dehumanization of innocent people which is often associated with the catastrophic wasting of their careers and lives conveys a picture of the USA as being a brutal Terrorist Psychiatric Police State!

Monday, September 17, 2018

"Psychiatrists work for the highest bidding abusers!"

The psychiatrists are diabolically insane sadists and chronic liars who promise men, women and children unfortunate enough to become their patients that they are working to help them with their mental health and lives when in fact they do not represent the best interests of these people. Instead the psychiatrists represent the best interests of those who offer to pay them the most to literally tear apart the essence of what makes their victims who they are, and these high bidders include the US federal government, state governments, courts, schools, Universities, businesses and individuals who for some reason want the targets of psychiatric intervention out of their way. The reasons for such cruel interventions include cover-ups of wrongdoing on the part of the perpetrators, greed, jealousy and simply sadism. In fact the bigger the fall for those poor souls targeted by psychiatry the more excited the general public and even the press seem to be about rallying together to make trash out of their lives even in the absence of any criminal wrongdoing. Essentially professionals, including doctors and lawyers, politicians, well accomplished actors, actresses and singers, and wealthy business people make the juiciest psychiatric take downs for the public. However, the poor and marginalized in society clearly also ultimately experience extreme forms of pain and suffering when they are sacrificed to psychiatrists!

Saturday, September 15, 2018

"All psychiatric intervention turns out to be torture!"

There is a common misconception that only forced psychiatric intervention is torture. However, in view of the heavily funded propaganda campaigns of the psychiatrists which makes it appear that psychiatry has something of great value to offer people in emotional distress, even voluntary psychiatric intervention consistently turns out to be torture. Psychiatry is a destructive discipline and the psychiatrists themselves are professional con artists who simply lie about supposedly having good intentions in dealing with patients. Ultimately it is the psychiatrists themselves who enforce painful stigmatization and associated cruel and deadly blacklists of patients whether or not the intervention is forced. And the powerful arsenal of psychiatric drugs with their myriad of horrible side effects generally ruin careers and lives. The US government and other governments endorse the activities of the psychiatrists which is essentially the same thing as endorsing torture!

Friday, September 14, 2018

"Psychiatrists demand an acceptance of mental illness & don't recognize mental health!"

The psychiatrists are diabolically insane sadistic sociopaths who beat their victims down into an acceptance of mental illness with no efforts to recognize mental health in them. The chronically abusive US feds, police and psychiatric court judges aggressively support the initiatives of the psychiatrists along these lines. Survivors of psychiatry who seek to be recognized for their independence and capacity for mental health are beaten down even further by the psychiatric abuse cliques who thrive off of wasting the good minds of these people.

"Targets of psychiatric tyranny being beaten up with electronic warfare in the USA!"

The situation in the USA is actually pathetic with filthy criminals who have nothing at all to do with mental health care in charge of the mental health care system as psychiatrists and filthy criminals who have nothing at all to do with law and order and seeking justice working as federal agents and cops. Together these tyrants work as aggressively as possible to create disordered states of being in innocent men, women and children in order to have them labelled as mentally ill, thrown out of the mainstream of life and sacrificed to the very powerful and lucrative "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death." Satellite drone electronic warfare of the nature which should be made illegal to use on people under US federal law and under international law is being used by the US government to literally beat up the brains of victims of psychiatry in the manufacturing process of mental illness. The monsters who implement this tyranny around the clock are proud of the fact that this belligerent sadistic tyranny is invisible which makes it virtually impossible for them to get caught literally torturing and murdering innocent people in such ways!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

"The USA's practices and policies with psychiatrists are acts of mass torture & murder!"

Together the US feds, cops and psychiatrists work as aggressively as possible to create mental illness in their victims by ignoring all signs and capacities for mental health. Instead there is a focus on defining any problems dealing with health, financial or social aspects of the lives of these people as being due to mental illness without any considerations of proper differential diagnoses in dealing with the causation for such problems. As a matter of fact psychiatric stigmatization created and enforced by the feds, cops and psychiatrists along with their personal judges generally ends up being the primary cause of these problems. The ultimate goal in labeling people as suffering from mental illness, whether or not they actually suffered from mental illness, is to stigmatize them for life and cut them out of the mainstream of life, not to offer them humane and effective prevention and treatment for their mental health. This all generally leads to wasted lives of people who are often very intelligent and who actually have the inherent capacity to succeed in all realms of their lives. Intentional disruption in academic and career pursuits leads to unusual degrees of distress for entire families due to anticipated financial problems. In the final analysis this all paints a picture of acts of mass torture and murder by the American psychiatric system in what ranks as being among the most brutal, ignorant and inhumane mental health care systems in the world!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

"Torture of psychiatric abuse victims is intensified when they seek justice!"

When victims of psychiatric enslavement and torture seek justice in dealing with the associated severe pain and suffering and ruination of their careers the terrorist US Department of Justice intensifies the torture. The pathetic response by the ignorant and barbaric lawmakers, feds, cops, psychiatrists and their personal judges that the psychiatric intervention was not illegal simply means the US government is a terrorist entity which has decided to accept torture by psychiatrists as being perfectly legal in the country. The conclusion by the United Nations Human Rights Council and other entities that common psychiatric practices are a form of torture helps to clear up this issue. Although it is often assumed this only applies to forced psychiatric treatment, in view of the heavily funded propaganda machine of the psychiatrists aimed at making people think incorrectly that psychiatrists have a mission to help them and that their interventions will not harm them it becomes logical to assume that even consensual psychiatric treatment generally turns out to be torture. The US feds, cops and psychiatrists with support from the lawmakers nevertheless become infuriated with reports of psychiatric torture from victims seeking justice in dealing with psychiatrists and intensify painful electronic torture and deadly blacklists of these people. The bottom line is everyone responsible for this tyranny are sadistic sociopaths who have turned the society upside down as scores of good people struggle with totally wasted and painful lives because of support for the tyrannical quackery of psychiatrists!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

"The USA pays tyrants in the psychiatric system a fortune to torture & kill innocent people!"

Although the propaganda machine of the USA paints a picture of the country as being in the forefront of human rights initiatives this turns out to be far from the truth. In fact never before in history has a nation paid tyrants so well to literally torture and methodically murder innocent people around the clock as is seen with the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death." And as the nations psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, other doctors and nurses who work with them, and the US feds, cops and judges who help enforce the tyrannical quackery of psychiatry earn a lot of money their generally very well educated and innocent victims must often struggle to survive on the fringes of society due to financial hardship caused by psychiatry, not because of mental illness!