Monday, February 25, 2013

Compassionate Doctors Being Crushed by Psychiatry

The US government and psychiatrists have been crushing the careers and lives of compassionate doctors who refuse to endorse brutal torture by the American psychiatrists, with intentional misdiagnoses of bipolar disorder, because the compassionate doctors are nice people!

Friday, February 22, 2013

The USA Is A Tyrannical Fraud!

The USA is the worse tyrannical fraud in world history, with a group of heavily armed hoodlums working as federal agents who have nothing to do with a democratic process, torturing sane activists, who are generally poor, and fixing civil cases against them with psychiatrists and their judges, daily, associated with cruel blacklists aimed at killing the targets of this brutality!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Feds, cops, psychiatrists and their judges are sociopaths

The tragically sadistic and lazy feds, cops, psychiatrists and their judges are sociopaths who ruin people's careers and than claim they refuse to work, before drugging them, throwing them in their cages and onto the streets to die!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Psychiatrists use age spans to help cement lucrative misidiagnoses

The psychiatrists have been labeling everyone they can get their hands on who has any type of mishap in their lives between the ages of 18-26 with schizophrenia or first phase of bipolar disorder, and everyone they can get their hands on with some type of mishap in their lives between 28-35 years old with bipolar disorder, even if these people were just suffering from a common cold or some other real illness such as the flu, or perhaps nothing medical at all!

Friday, February 8, 2013

USA Endorses Psychiatric Babarism

The USA uses psychiatrists to severely harm the well being and careers of Natural Mental Health Care reform activist physicians who are into simply helping people with their well being for a living, while the psychiatrists make a fortune destroying the well being of people for a living with the full blessings of the courts, lawmakers, federal agents and cops!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Thought on Psychiatric Tyranny

When perfectly sane, ambitious, aggressive, well educated, and pleasant activists are targeted for destruction by the US government and psychiatrists, overnight every single characteristic which made such people well liked and successful is said to be signs and symptoms of serious mental illnesses!