Thursday, January 31, 2013

The USA Has A Criminal Trash Justice Department

The USA has a trash criminal Justice Department under Obama, just like past Democratic Party and Republican Party administrations, which simply creates life threatening unfair competition for law abiding and perfectly sane activists, who are primarily but not always poor, by literally making up and fixing mental health and criminal records and cases against them, and than using this to have the targets of this tyranny blacklisted, tortured, and slowly murdered!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Comment On Health Professionals Legal Obligations Dealing With Possible Killers

I don't get the drift of some of  what is called new legislation here in New York state dealing with a health professionals legal obligation to report on patients who are potential killers. My understanding is if you are practicing medicine properly that was always a given understanding. Whether or not I like the mental health care policies of Governor Cuomo and President Obama, I admit if a patient tells me they are planning to try to shoot Cuomo or Obama, I would feel professionally and ethically obligated to immediately turn that patient into law enforcement  officials, even though I fear the police and FBI are corrupt. However, it has sadly been my experience that even though psychiatrists are taught to do proper mental status exams as medical students, they never do. You are simply supposed to ask a patient if they are planning to kill anyone when doing a proper mental status exam. If the patient says yes and that they are not kidding, than clearly you may be dealing with some type of very serious mental health issue and you certainly have a serious legal issue at hand. However, if the person says no and goes out and kills someone anyway, than it is my position you may very well be dealing with premeditated murder in the first degree.  And of course all of this becomes a really sad and difficult legal issue for everyone involved if a person who kills people was on psychiatric drugs at the time, since these drugs really do set off suicidal and homicidal ideation and intent.  And since there are no biological markers for any of the diagnoses of the psychiatrists, such disorders as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder may not even exist, and it is questionable whether anyone should ever be put on their poisonous arsenal of drugs. -Dr Harold Mandel

Thursday, January 24, 2013

US Government Is Working on Thought, Behavior and Emotional Control of People

Unusually cruel sadists working for the US government have been using satellite technology of the nature which is used for satellite TVs and mobile phones to zap the brains of the often arbitrary targets of medical-legal psychiatric tyranny across the USA. The targets of this brutality are generally, but not always, poor sane social activists. Natural Mental Health Care activists in particular are being targeted with this dangerous intervention into their brains. The objective of the government is to make these people out to appear to be mentally ill by hitting their brains in manners which cause unusual physical, verbal and emotional responses. Thereafter, working with the nations consistently unethical psychiatrists these people are put on highly toxic psychiatric drugs which mimic mental illness and worse after they walk out of school or their jobs in dazed states of mind from being abused in such manners. The trendy intentional misdiagnoses of abuse associated with this painful and costly experimentation on the human brain are schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Swift, fixed kangaroo civil court proceedings with no juries and no sworn in testimony before unethical judges the psychiatrists and government work with daily are used to legalize these tyrannical abuses. The US government is throwing away lives daily as they work with this technology to experiment on thought, behavior and emotional control of men, women and children who generally would have done very well in live if not for such dangerous intrusions into their minds. When victims of this tyranny figure all of this out and want to get back to school and work in naturally healthy manners the government and psychiatrists become cruel psychopaths and insist that will never again be possible and that they instead need psychiatric intervention, as they zap their victims harder than ever while painfully ruining their careers, financial situation and personal lives. These are of course all covert US government activities which feed the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death" as the government and psychiatrists insist anyone who reports on this is mentally ill.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

More People Die Daily From American Psychiatry Alone Than From Terrorism

While more well educated and hard working people than ever before in history are living on the fringes of society due to unemployment and its associated poverty, the like-minded diabolically insane psychiatrists are as usual making a fortune off of their hardship. In fact it is often because of the consistently abusive interactions of the psychiatrists, including their toxic arsenal of poisonous drugs which mimic mental illness and worse, and their mental hospital concentration camps, that so many people are out of work and in poverty. The psychiatrists, who are trash quack doctors, jump on the opportunity to diagnose anything from a common cold to an upset stomach as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder while labeling harmless law abiding people as criminals in their swift, fixed kangaroo civil court proceedings based on gross violations of freedom of speech and press rights and other gross violations of people's rights. Overall more really decent people who could have otherwise been doing very well in life die daily from psychiatrists than have died from terrorism.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Psychiatrists Are As Dangerous For Any Person as the Ku Klux Klan is For Black People

President Obama has said “preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action.” I sadly think President Obama fails to understand any American man, woman or child who sees one of the nations psychiatrists even for one moment has as little chance to preserve their personal freedoms and to have an equal and fair chance to get ahead in life as a poor black slave had on a southern plantation during the US Civil War. In fact, regardless of that person's color any American who has seen a psychiatrist has about as much chance to get ahead in a healthy manner in life as a poor black person held by the Ku Klux Klan in the deep south!

An e-mail sent to Xinhua in China

If you will recollect I visited your country several times years ago to study Acupuncture and
to teach. Sadly, all of my plans were undermined due to false allegations of mental illness coming from professional enemies of mine right here in my own country, who have wanted my mental health care reform initiatives crushed.

Also, I was unfortunately set up with some questionable women at the time, when I was single, which apparently raised questions in the minds of Chinese government officials and police about my integrity and ethics. Frankly, I did not really fully understand what was
going on around me at that time, and I have since studied the situation and realized that very unfortunately some of the women in question may have actually been victims of human trafficking. If this is true, that means they were victims of organized crime syndicates of which I myself have therefore also been a victim of.

I do not agree with the United States Department of State about some issues, particularly in
regard to hypocrisy in dealing with mental health care human rights. However, I do agree with some of the reports of the United States Department of State and it was their reports on human trafficking which made me acutely aware of this problem. I think the U.S. government is therefore mistaken not to warn American citizens about the possibility of
being targeted for human trafficking gangs and other criminal activities worldwide, such as money changers appearing to be legitimate, in inserts when US Passports are issued.

I am now married to an Asian woman from Vietnam and we have two children. Clearly, I do not want my daughter or son victimized by these type of horrible crimes, and so I think perhaps Beijing may now get a better picture of where I stand on these issues. Although, I understand there have been some problems between Vietnam and China historically, your people are after all Asian brothers and sisters who have strong cultural similarities, as I see as being true with all of the Asian people.

A controversial marriage and divorce of mine from a Chinese national, years ago, Yuan Chen, prior to my present 12 year marriage to My Dung, may also raise questions about my
integrity in China. Please rest assured I never had anything against Yuan personally and I remember her as a charming Chinese woman. However, due to being followed around
with false allegations of mental illness for decades, which escalated in the aftermath of the events alluded to in China, I simply went flat broke in Japan where we were residing and we could not afford to stay married back than.

My Citibank and American Express credit cards were being pushed to the limit in Japan and being highly ethical about money and thinking it is wrong to steal from these vital American concerns, I had to come back to the United States and cut my spending to settle with these firms before I started all over again. I simply needed a good job in Japan, for which I was
always well qualified, but I have been confronted with a horrible blacklist of my vital financial interests for a long time because of the dangerous false allegations of mental illness, which here in the United States the psychiatrists like to legalize even in the absence of any actual criminal misconduct.

Now, I am approaching the government of China about these issues myself because I have given up thinking I will ever receive proper representation on this planet from the Democrats or Republicans in this country. In fact I voted for Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party for President of the United States in the last elections, even though at this time in history I knew he had little chance of winning. In the future, however, if the United States and the world keeps falling apart as they have been, who knows what may happen in this country. I feel the depth of corruption in both the Democratic Party and Republican Party and the brutal methods they endorse to settle vital issues are largely responsible for the sad state
of affairs in the world at this time in history.

I would like Beijing to consider doing something radical with me and supporting some of my mental health care reform initiatives. I fully understand that some of my positions on this matter are at this time probably too radical for any government to consider. Clearly, for example I do not think China will support my present position that psychiatry is totally
hopeless and should simply be abolished.

However, Beijing may agree with me that the diagnostic labels in psychiatry are never for certain and that people diagnosed as mentally ill may not have actually ever been mentally ill. And due to the horrible side effects of the psychiatric drugs which can set off homicidal and suicidal ideation  and acts, Beijing may agree with me that Natural Mental Health care for the prevention and treatment of mental illness is always preferable whenever possible.

Furthermore, Beijing may agree with me that a legalization of mental illness is not a good idea in the absence of very serious criminal activities such as terrorism, rape, and assassinations.Therefore, it is my hope Beijing will agree with me that it is unjust and horrible to blacklist the vital financial interests of anyone based on past allegations of mental illness, as long as that person can demonstrate the common sense to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I for example completely stopped drinking any alcohol in order to set a good example for my children, even though as you know it is legal to drink alcohol worldwide.

Another problem in my approach to China on these matters will clearly be the nature of some of my reporting on the Tibet issue which you will notice on my primary Website as you review my work. In fact I sadly understand that unless I am perhaps more even handed with these reports my Website may be blocked from viewing in China. In this regard my position on Tibet is simply that clearly as fellow Asians you should all work together for harmony in
your country. I support the position of many of the the Tibetans themselves that perhaps Tibet should be recognized as an autonomous region of China. In this regard I would be willing to be more careful with my future reports on this matter if China has found any past reports inflammatory, if China wishes to work with me on any of this.

It may interest China to know that one of my dearest friends in the world was the late Willard Wong of Hawaii who I saw as my Chinese godfather when I was growing up. Willard was a close friend of my family's via business links and he did a lot of business with China I have been told. Ever since Willard died from pancreatic cancer years ago I have never really been the same person. His loss was as devastating for people who knew him as was the loss of Steve Jobs for friends of Apple Inc.

In closing I just published the following article which has photos from China. I remember when I was at the China Medical University in Shenyang in 1990 I was questioned by Chinese Public Security about my snapping of photos in the hospital there. I simply found this to be interesting as are the photos from Getty Images from inside of China attached to the following article:

"Bariatric surgery can help keep weight off long term" Read more at :


Harold Mandel, MD
Dr Harold Mandel Online

The Harold Mandel, MD Natural Mental Health Care Reform Association

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Personal Memo to All Old Friends

 I have been under some heat for criticizing some old friends online over issues dealing with mental health care human rights. I have done some soul searching regarding this issue and in regard to those old friends who are still alive, men and women alike, I really do not and never meant any harm to anyone from my high school years at Springfield High in Philadelphia, college years at Dickinson in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and the University of Hawaii, medical school years at Jefferson in Philadelphia, Nagoya City Medical School in Japan, and the University of Hawaii and thereafter. I am simply aggravated that there has not been a more aggressive response to requests in some instances to join me in fighting mental health care human rights abuses. However, everyone has their own interests for whatever reasons and so let's start all over again in 2013 and I wish everyone good health, good fortune and a long life and feel we should all just be involved in what is important to us for whatever reasons. So, I guess the Dalai Lama is getting through to me and I am becoming a better Buddhist!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Texas Torture Case Cover-up By US Feds Continues

The criminally insane US feds are fanatically obsessed with protecting "The Texas Butcher", Dr Theodore Pearlman, and his trash slut wife from prosecution for "The Texas Torture Case" due to a covert plan by the US government to use his Nazi styled tactics to dispose of sane dissidents who are primarily poor, while lying and insisting Jewish doctors and their families, like the Pearlmans, would never commit the same type of atrocities as the Nazis did! An online synopsis of "The Texas Torture Case" is at: The Texas Torture Case

The disorders to be included in psychiatry's DSM are chosen by a majority vote of American Psychiatric Association members based on the same scientific level as "you would choose a restaurant"

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) has referred to psychiatry as a "junk science" in its compelling publication, "Psychiatry, An Industry of Death". The CCHR states that the primary reason for the creation of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has been to provide psychiatry with a system of compensation for insurance billing which is similar to that which is used by mainstream medicine. The entries in the DSM are simply "disorders" passed by a committee of psychiatrists and not real diseases. The categorization of clusters of symptoms in the DSM has no known causes and none of the resultant diagnoses have been supported by objective scientific evidence. And yet in spite of the complete lack of scientific credentials behind the DSM the CCHR notes that psychiatry in the U.S. alone brings in over $100 billion a year in funding for "treatment" of DSM-disorders. Renee Garfinkle, a psychologist, is quoted by the CCHR as saying the disorders to be included in psychiatry's DSM are chosen by a majority vote of American Psychiatric Association members based on the same scientific level as "you would choose a restaurant."

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Targets of American Psychiatric Tyranny Are Beaten Up and Arrested by Cops for No Reason at All

The US government has been having sane and law abiding Natural Mental Health activists and other activists beaten up and thrown in jail for no reason at all so they can get court orders for psychiatric drugs which cause brain damage, saying these people need these poisons to stay out of jail and the mental hospital concentration camps. These barbarians understand the abusive psychiatric scheme very well and abuse an already abusive system even more in order to vent their hostile, sadistic and destructive rages on pleasant, intelligent, sane and law abiding activists who overall simply do not agree with the type of cruelty endorsed and instituted by the US government, and particularly the US Department of Justice, against its targets of hostile aggression on a daily basis. The targets of these monsters are generally, but not always, poor. The nations like minded diabolically insane psychiatrists support these abuses for great financial profits while feeding the cancerous growth of "The American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death!"

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

President Barack Obama Has Declared A Covert War Against Natural Mental Health Care Activism

President Obama has clearly directed the CIA, FBI and US Attorney Generals office to freeze Natural Mental Health activist victims of psychiatry out of work and into huge debts in order drive them into the streets and back into the nations mental hospital concentration camps and onto the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs in order to silence them about America's Psychiatric Genocide schemes. Obama has literally unleashed hate campaigns against these victims of psychiatry by his agents who are deeply concerned about growing credibility across the world of stories that the United States uses medicine, law and psychiatry as a brutal weapon of political oppression in aims to control the thoughts, emotions and actions of the American people. Actually, this is being done with satellite transmitted electromagnetic technology directed into people's brains and highly toxic mind altering psychiatric drugs. The Republicans across the USA have also endorsed this tyranny for decades as life in the USA becomes completely dehumanized. All of this means Obama, the other Democrats and the Republicans are simply sadists and paranoid about the truth, with other powers such as Russia already letting on that they know the truth about what is going on in the United States in a nation which fell from a morale high ground in dealing with human rights issues a long time ago.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

American Psychiatry Represents Nothing More Than A Class War of the Wealthy Against the Poor

The American psychiatrists are a privileged group of hypocrites who are hand picked for their positions by the wealthiest people in America who want them to help them keep the poor out of their way. The psychiatrists feed off of the poor with health insurance and Medicaid payments while enjoying extravagant lifestyles with hot and heavy kinky sexual affairs, a lot of booze, marijuana and cocaine, and jet setting worldwide as they insist the targets of their tyranny are severely mentally ill for doing any of these things. Unusually sadistic US feds, cops and psychiatrists have been brutally and sadistically targeting sane, law abiding, peaceful, and pleasant Natural Mental Health activists  who are poor for torture in order to railroad them into mental hospital concentration camps and into taking poisonous psychiatric drugs. Thereafter, they turn logic inside out by insisting they had no choice when in fact the targets of this ignorant tyranny would generally have done just fine in life without such intrusions into their lives and with a firm commitment to Natural Mental Health Care for the prevention and treatment of mental illness. The bottom line is the United States has become a tyrannical Psychiatric Police State where diabolically insane sadists are drugging up and locking up perfectly sane, warm, intelligent and law abiding people in order to feed off of them. The targets of this tyranny are generally, but not always, poor, making it clear that psychiatry is a weapon being used by the wealthy to feed off the poor while having them enslaved, tortured and slowly murdered. Occasionally , when someone with wealth is targeted by the American Psychiatric Killing Machine they should be aware that means someone with even more money or power has turned on them and is trying to freeze their wealth and drive them into poverty. Fixed, swift kangaroo civil court appearances with no juries and no sworn in testimony before crooked trash county judges who work alongside the elitist psychiatrists preside over these sham court proceedings in a conveyer belt fashion across the USA daily, therefore legalizing this tyranny with more once promising lives having been stolen by the American Psychiatric Genocide Machine than by any other genocide in world history.  And pathetically the US Attorney Generals office, the FBI and the police across the USA consistently uphold and enforce this brutality directed against the poor with psychiatry, since the US Department of Justice overall only represents the vital interests of the wealthy across the country.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sane Natural Mental Health Activists Are Being Railroaded Into Mental Hospitals Across The USA

Unusually sadistic US feds, cops and psychiatrists have been brutally and sadistically torturing sane, law abiding, peaceful, and pleasant Natural Mental Health activists in order to railroad them into mental hospital concentration camps and into taking poisonous psychiatric drugs. Thereafter, they turn logic inside out by insisting they had no choice when in fact the targets of this ignorant tyranny would generally have done just fine in life without such intrusions into their lives and with a firm commitment to Natural Mental Health Care for the prevention and treatment of mental illness.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sadists Are Railroading Sane People Into Mental Hospitals

The US feds, cops and psychiatrists have been brutally and sadistically torturing sane, law abiding, peaceful, and pleasant Natural Mental Health activists to railroad them into mental hospital concentration camps and into taking poisonous psychiatric drugs and than insisting they had no choice!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Texas Torture Case Cover-up Continues in 2013

 In 2013 crazed FBI agents have already been working with psychiatrists to uphold claims sane whistle blowers about "The Jefferson Medical College Cheating Scandals" from over 20 years ago are mentally ill because the FBI agents all cheat on their federal exams and endorse cheating among doctors whom they work with! This all unfolded into "The Texas Torture Case" and its aftermath which even Obama and the Democrats and the Republicans want the truth about covered up due to the depth of corruption and brutality involved!  An online synopsis of "The Texas Torture Case" can be found at: