Saturday, August 31, 2013

Extreme Forms of Torture Used in USA To Set Up Legal Labels of Mental Illness!

The US feds, cops and psychiatrists have been hitting sane activists with extreme forms of life threatening torture in the form of badgering, blacklists, false arrests, beatings, false labels of mental illness, spreading of slander among friends, family and others, satellite transmitted zaps in the brain and attempts to manipulate normal brain waves with this technology along with 24/7 electronic surveillance, all aimed at pushing these people into doing unusual things so they can use this unusual behavior to set the targets of this tyranny up for swift, fixed, kangaroo civil psychiatric court cases aimed at legally labeling these people as mentally ill and finishing off their careers and lives! The end results for the targets of this barbarism are the same as the end results from gas attacks in Syria!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Most Victims of American Psychiatry Could Have Done Well in Other Countries!

American presidents, politicians, and diplomats often rant and rave in international public forums about what a sad reality it is that millions of people who could have had free and decent lives in the USA with good opportunities for financial advancement have been cruelly imprisoned based on filthy politics in other countries. And, yet there have been millions upon millions of lives wasted in the USA due to the USA's pathetic, brutal psychiatric system which has criminalized allegations of mental illness, with no valid scientific parameters to back the labels of mental illness up. And it is the American lawmakers, who are after all politicians, along with the American psychiatrists, who have devised the disgusting kangaroo psychiatric civil court schemes across the USA which have legalized this ignorant tyranny! Most of the Americans crucified by this scheme, the majority of who are perfectly sane, well educated, intelligent and warm, law abiding people, could have had perfectly productive, rewarding and happy lives if they were born and/or raised in just about any other country in the world!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

USA Prosecutes & Persecutes People for Alleged Mental Illness!

The American psychiatrists and U.S. government have been prosecuting people for allegedly being mentally ill, even in the absence of any criminal charges and convictions, and treating them as if they are guilty of the crime of mental illness for the remainder of their lives, even if they were never mentally ill to begin with, or even if they perhaps suffered from some type of emotional upset and were cured with natural mental health care! This has been resulting in the torture and slow murders of the targets of the lucrative "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death!"

Mental Health Attitudes & Policies of Orthodox Medical Community are Ignorant!

Overall the orthodox American medical community has the most ignorant and dangerous attitudes and policies in dealing with mental health care in the entire society. Legally licensed medical doctors with clean criminal records are isolated and blacklisted by their own colleagues if they had the misfortune of seeing psychiatrists. And so clearly things are just as bad or worse for members of the non-professional community who have had the misfortune of seeing psychiatrists, unless they are very well connected in other career paths! For the targets of this tyranny who are not independently wealthy, this amounts to methodical torture and murder!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The US Feds & Psychiatrists Working Together Are Sadistic Bullies!

US feds have been bragging in public locations such as Niagra Falls, NY that they are proud of being good at setting people up! Essentially, what the US feds have been doing with the nation's diabolically insane psychiatrists is luring normal men into reacting to their normal sex drives with sexy women working undercover, so they can sadistically label them as suffering from mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and than make them sick and take away their normal sex drives and other normal drives by putting them on toxic psychiatric drugs such as neuroleptics and lithium. If this fails to turn the targets of this sadistic tyranny into wast basket cases, as when some well educated people fight back and stop taking the psychiatric poisons when they are not under court orders to do so, the US feds and American psychiatrists generally still succeed in making waste basket cases out of their victims with stigmatization and associated blacklists leading to created and enforced painful poverty as the slow and methodical murders of the victims of the lucrative "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death" continues! This all means apparently the most important characteristic of the American feds and psychiatrists is they share being unusually sadistic bullies!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Targets of American Psychiatric Tyranny are Being Terrorized Financially

Perfectly sane, law abiding targets of psychiatric labeling in the USA who hold professional degrees and licenses and who are married with children and who should therefore be earning upwards of $100,000 per year are being offered only menial jobs outside of their professions and being paid minimum wages which does not even cover rent and food in a small apartment for one person! And this is if the targets of this tyranny are offered an opportunity to earn any money at all!

The FBI is Operating a Psychiatric Terror State

The FBI has been badgering people who have had the misfortune of seeing psychiatrists 24/7 with satellite transmitted high energy technology and using this surveillance to contact everyone these people get in touch with immediately with filthy lies and slander on the telephone aimed at isolating the targets of this tyranny and aimed at ruining their careers and driving them into or keeping them in poverty. This intense surveillance and badgering along with character assassination is being used to help legalize swift, fixed kangaroo civil court proceedings against these people with no juries and no sworn in testimony, which the FBI uses to completely finish off ruining these people's lives for decades whether the judges in the cases gave their psychiatrists 10 days, 20 days, 90 days, or six months outpatient court ordered intervention, which is generally based on the same filthy lies and slander. The entire US Congress and White House and all 50 governors offices have known about this for decades and think this is alright and this is what the entire US government and all of the American psychiatrists call good mental health care! Most of the targets of this tyranny are not guilty of any crimes at all, aside from perhaps an occasional minor traffic violation over their lifetime. Therefore psychiatry and civil psychiatric court cases in the USA are being used as a front for sadistic torture and murder of people who are generally, but not always poor activists. If a person treated a pet rabbit in a cage or a dog or cat as poorly as the targets of this psychiatric tyranny are being treated in the USA they would be arrested and charged with cruelty to animals. People contacted about this by the US government are told not to discuss this and to deny it is really happening if they are questioned by outside parties!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Discrimination Against Targets of Psychiatric Tyranny in USA Is As Filthy as Racism!

In the USA the filthy forms of life threatening discrimination against people who have had the misfortune of seeing psychiatrists are as horrible as the discrimination blacks have endured for decades ever since slavery in the south of the United States and apartheid in South Africa, with the American psychiatrists and US government endorsing this tyranny!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The US Dept of Justice and American Psychiatrists Have Nazi Styled Practices

The US Department of Justice has been working with psychiatrists to lure and intimidate friends, families, associates and other significant people into distorting the truth about perfectly sane and law abiding activists in order to paint pictures of mental illness in them, just like Nazis!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The American Psychiatrists Use Court Proceedings For Genocide!

The American psychiatrists, with endorsement from the US government, have been using swift, fixed kangaroo civil court proceedings as a front for the methodical genocide of perfectly sane and law abiding activists, who are generally, but not always, poor.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Anti-Reform Psychiatric Purges Are Intensifying Across the USA

The American psychiatrists, as endorsed by the US government, have been heating up public ridicule and harassment campaigns against natural mental health activist victims of psychiatric tyranny, with associated blacklists aimed at literally killing them and their families one step at a time! Judicial candidates who support natural mental health care are being banned from the judiciary and students, lawyers and physicians who support natural mental health care are being pushed out of the legal and medical professions and driven into poverty with intentional misdiagnoses of mental illness as America's brutal purges aimed at a total crack down on humane natural mental health care reforms intensifies!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The American Psychiatrists Have Helped Made the USA A Hated Nation

The USA is recognized as a sick and dangerous country by billions of people worldwide largely because the nation's like minded diabolically insane psychiatrists have played a major role in shaping the thoughts, emotions and attitudes of many of the people across the country!