Sunday, April 29, 2012

Psychiatrists Have Created A Powerful Financial Incentive System For Themselves Around Creating and Enforcing Mental Illness Instead of Mental Health

The psychiatrists themselves have created a financial incentive system wherein the sicker they can make patients and the sicker they can keep patients the more money they make. Diagnoses of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in particular, which the psychiatrists manufacture from histories of perfectly normal variations in moods, help the psychiatrists profit greatly from admissions to their mental hospital concentration camps, prescribing the psychiatric poisonous drugs which mimic mental illness and worse, brief appearances at swift, fixed civil kangaroo court
appearances which are used to legalize this tyranny, and worthless individual and group therapy sessions where the psychiatrists simply count the minutes until the end of the sessions and offer absolutely no worthwhile advice to help patients achieve and maintain mental health.

Mandel News Service

Friday, April 27, 2012

American Psychiatric Purges Are As Barbaric As The Purges of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia Were

The degree of horror associated with the American psychiatric purges has become as filthy and large in scale as the bloody purges of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge in Camobida were, with the only exception being that the American propaganda machine has so effectively glossed over this horror story that far too many Americans who have not been hit by this tyranny, let alone foreigners, really do not understand what has really been going on. Millions upon millions of perfectly decent, well educated, basically law abiding, peaceful, and warm hearted men, women and children across the United States have lost everything they have worked for including the freedom to feel and think as they desire to the nations consistently greedy, unethical, ignorant and brutal psychiatrists. The reasons behind this tyranny range from pure sadistic greed on the part of the psychiatrists, to intolerance for the color of the skin of a victims spouse, to cover-ups of foul-ups for high paying adherents to the philosophical foundations of the Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death, to petty jealousies over a myriad of matters. One thing is for certain that most if not all of the victims of psychiatry never suffered from anything on the long list of trash unscientific labels used by the psychiatrists from their fictional diagnostic bible, the DSM. If the victims of psychiatry were in fact ever suffering from anything to begin with they have invariably been misdiagnosed and mistreated instead of receiving proper medical intervention. Such things as malnutrition, allergies, lack of exercise, feeling run down from exposure to cigarette smoke, and too much junk food are consistently misdiagnosed as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other psychiatric illnesses by the psychiatrists. And the psychiatrists are paid enormously well for their tyranny with huge financial incentives each time they throw someone in their mental hospital concentration camps, each time they lie in their swift, fixed mental health care court proceedings aimed at legalizing their tyranny, each time another poor soul makes the mistake of visiting their offices based on misinformation about what they really do or each time some poor soul is forced to see them due to court orders from tyrannical judges who use psychiatrists to destroy, not help people , based on their own bigotries and biases and in order to justify their huge paychecks.

Mandel News Service

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The U.S. Government Has Been Violating People's Legal Rights To Contrive Misdiagnoses of Mental Illness With The Psychiatrists

The U.S. government has been using silent methods of undermining the privacy rights of people across the United States to enable the sadistic conjuring up of serious mis-diagnoses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder of the targets of their tyranny with the nations psychiatrists. What has been going on is that via the use of space age satellite technology citizens are being kept under 24 hour a day surveillance in their homes and elsewhere. The majority of citizens, thinking home is a good place to let loose, often do things at home in private that they would not do elsewhere such as making unusual jokes and experimenting with new sexual positions with their spouses which the government than insists are signs of unusual behavior and mental illness. This technology is also being used to attempt to actually take over the thoughts, feelings and actions of people while also reading their minds in order to attempt to drive them insane and/or to simply make them out to appear to be mentally ill. When this all fails to get the desired results the same type of technology is used to hit people in the brains in public places such as hotel lobbies in order to make them out to appear to be mentally ill and/or criminals. The psychiatrists all back up this tyranny in order to feed the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death!"

Mandel News Service

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Psychiatrists Are Monsters Who Intentionally Ruin People's Careers

Psychiatrists are unusually cruel animals who have been consistently intentionally and sadistically ruining the careers of people unfortunate enough to see them as patients in order to try to make them dependent on them. The psychiatrists do this knowing a person's career is vital to their mental health and overall well being. By constantly insisting the targets of their sadistic aggression can not do what they are generally perfectly well capable of doing with simply normal, natural healthy support systems the psychiatrists are working to drive their victims insane and into financial devastation in order to attempt to make them dependent on the psychiatric system of methodical torture and slow murder.

Mandel News Service

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Police Work With Psychiatrists To Cover-up Police Brutality

When the police across the United States run into a problem of explaining arrest records with cases dropped by the District Attorneys and criminal court judges they often move to cover for themselves by claiming the targets of their false arrests and police brutality must be mentally ill. The police like this angle to cover-up for their own incompetence and brutality because there are no Miranda rights required to pull someone in on mental health charges and there is no due process and no sworn in testimony in the sham civil mental health care court proceedings. The consistently unethical psychiatrists support the interests of the police in labeling the targets of their abuse as mentally ill because they profit greatly from anyone they can force into being their patients. Favorite intentional misdiagnoses of the psychiatrists in such cases are schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The careers and lives of the targets of such snowballing abuses are generally completely ruined due to the associated stigmatization. The FBI rarely if ever investigates these cases due to the FBI's consistently  ignorant attitudes about anyone with arrest records and run into see psychiatrists even though the victims of this tyranny are generally not guilty of the charges the police raised against them and they are generally not mentally ill and are often instead perfectly sane, competent, and warm hearted people.

Mandel News Service

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Many Acupuncturists Are A Fraud

Many acupuncturists do not adhere to a committment to natural health care aimed at helping people achieve their optimal health potential. Starting in China, where many acupuncturists are trained, they are a tight knit special interest group who together directly implement brutal mental health care human rights abuses to help silence whistleblowers in their midst who raise legitimate questions about their professional activities. Acupuncturists in China have been known to have the targets of their tyranny knocked out with drugs and kidnapped to mental hospital concentration camps to be intentionally misdiagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and tormented with psychiatric drugs and other brutal psychiatric interventions.

Mandel News Service

Psychiatry Is Being Used To Crush The Lives of Whistleblowers by Jefferson Medical College and Associates

The alumni, doctors and students from Jefferson Medical College and other US medical schools across Pennsylvania, New York, Texas, Florida, Arizona, California, Hawaii and elsewhere have been having whistleblowers about cheating in medical school and other wrongdoing tortured and murdered by psychiatrists with intentional false labels of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. In acts of cleared endorsement for this type of tyranny by an orthodox medical community which the US government works with closely to control the society in their image, the US Department of Justice and other branches of the US government have been supporting the conspiracy of silence by the mainstream medical community about this matter. The involved doctors, judges, FBI agents, CIA agents, State Department officials, cops, and others who support this scheme seem to think it is a real laugh to pick up perfectly competent, law abiding, sane, and well educated physicians targeted for this abuse, tear off their white coats, strip them down, shoot them up with neuroleptics, strait jacket them, and throw them in isolation with the patients and walk away from them knowing at that moment as more sensitive physicians they generally could have been doing a far better job providing mental health care than their tormenters were ever capable of providing. If the targeted doctors survive this they are confronted with character assassination campaigns based on filthy lies about them and cruel blacklists aimed at turning them into street people which they will not be able to beat unless they are simply given money or are independently wealthy.

Mandel News Service

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sadistic Psychiatrists and There Associates Have Been Insisting Fresh Air, Sunshine, and Exercise Makes People Mentally Ill

Highly sadistic psychiatrists working with other types of medical doctors who support their tyranny and many US federal agents and cops have been working together for decades to devise a torture scheme which paints a picture of fresh air, sunshine and exercise making people mentally ill. This paradigm feeds the abusive psychiatric scheme of using poisonous psychiatric drugs and mental hospital concentration camps to make people sick. What happens is the involved abusive parties who turn red in the face at scenes of young men and women with deep tans enjoying themselves together in such exotic places as Hawaii or Florida insist targeted young men and women are sick and can not attend school or go to work when they are at the height of being healthy after time spent in such healthy surroundings. The targets of this abuse are than sent home and coerced into psychiatric treatment which steals their mental health, their academic achievements, their careers and even the fresh air and sunshine out of their lives as the dopamine blockade from neuroleptics and the tranquilizing effects of lithium and abilify steal all of their normal drives.

Mandel News Service

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Psychiatrists Have Been Locking People Into A Paradigm of Mental Illness

The psychiatrists are charlatans and sadists who profit from creating and enforcing states of being which mimic mental illness. The targets of psychiatric tyranny are locked into a mental illness paradigm with poisonous psychiatric drugs which consistently make people horribly ill in mind and body, stigmatizing labels, swift fixed civil court orders to legalize this tyranny, organized public ridicule campaigns and life threatening blacklists.

Mandel News Service

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Psychiatrists Are Causing Brain Damage in Their Patients

The myriad of painful interventions of psychiatrists, which include neuroleptics and electric shock treatment, actually are causing brain damage in people. This creates a very lucrative situation for the psychiatrists who feed off of the lifetime of disability which they create in their patients with their damaging labels and toxic interventions. And there is absolutely no scientific credibility to any of the diagnoses of the psychiatrists who are therefore glorified and dangerous quacks in sick societies which use them to sadistically dispose of people for no good reasons at all.
Mandel News Service

Monday, April 16, 2012

US Psychiatric Genocide Machine Is Out of Control

The criminally insane FBI agents and American cops working with the American psychiatrists and their judges are completely out of control and brutally and sadistically torturing perfectly sane activists, who are generally poor, with more intensity than ever with false labels of mental illness, satellite transmitted high energy waves, drugging with toxic psychiatric poisons, electric shocks, organized public ridicule campaigns, life threatening blacklists, railroading into mental hospital concentration camps, and swift, fixed civil court orders to legalize this tyranny. The bottom line is the entire USA has therefore become a brutal psychiatric police state and the leading criminal human rights abuser nation in world history and may spark off World War 111 and an international nuclear catastrophe due to to chronic ignorance and abusive nature of the criminals in control of the entire US Department of Justice and American psychiatrists.

Mandel News Service

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The USA Has Created An Iron Curtain of Psychiatric Oppression

The American pychiatrists and US Department of Justice have created an American Iron Curtain of Psychiatric Oppression. Psychiatric labels, drugging with psychiatric poisons, kidnappings to mental hospital cocentration camps, oganized public ridicule campaigns, character assassination, electronic high energy wave torture aimed at sadistic thought, emotion and behavior control and cruel blacklists along with swift, fixed civil court orders to legalize this tyranny are all part of the arsenal of psychiatric weapons used to force those unfortunate enough to have seen psychiatrists to live behind the American Iron Curtain of Psyhiatric Oppression. The victims of this tyranny generally would have done just fine in life if only they had not seen psychiatrists.

Mandel News Service

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The USA Has Become Trash!

Alert: The USA has become trash because of the most ignorant and abusive Justice Department in world history which works with psychiatrists to literally torture perfectly decent and sane people 24/7 with associated false labels of mental illness, drugging with psychiatric poisons, incarcerations in mental hospital concentration camps, police beatings, intentional false arrests, electronic torture, and cruel blacklists of victims of psychiatry all aimed at the literal genocide of the targets of sadistic psychiatric tyranny!

Mandel News Service

FBI Director Mueller Should Be Prosecuted for Overseeing Torture of Victims of Psychiatry

FBI Director Mueller should be indicted and prosecuted for overseeing his agents actually having victims of psychiatry and their famlies, including young children, tortured in their homes and elsewhere with intense satellite transmitted electronics and associated blacklists. These criminally insane US federal agents have been wiring into people's homes that it is their job to torture Americans!

Mandel News Service

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

US Government and American Psychiatrists Are Pushing People To Take Drugs That Cripple and Kill

The US government and American psychiatrists have been setting up sane activists and poor people to be put on neuroleptics, lithium and other psychiatric drugs which cripple and kill them. Badgering, organized public ridicule campaigns, inciting arguments, cruel blacklists and satellite transmitted high energy wave torture are among the methods of madness being used by the US government and American psychiatrists to push sane social activists and poor people into taking highly toxic psychiatric drugs such as neuroleptics and lithium which cripple and kill people. 

Mandel News Service

Monday, April 9, 2012

Psychiatry Is A Trash Science

All of the stigmatizing labels, programs and treatments of the psychiatrists are part of a trash science. And all of the diagnoses of "mental disorders" of the diabolically insane psychiatrists are, as pointed out by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, a hoax. The diagnoses of the psychiatrists are all unscientific, fraudulent and harmful. And each and every psychiatric treatment, not just the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs, have always been dangerous. Due to the extensive use of dangerous drugs, psychiatrists themselves have created most of the poor mental health which people suffer from. What appears to be mental illness for most patients is caused by an undiagnosed physical illness or condition that can be dealt with properly by a competent non-psychiatric medical doctor. The trash science and trash medicine of psychiatry creates huge profits for the psychiatrists while the lives of their victims are generally completely destroyed.

Mandel News Service

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Psychiatrists Kill People With Clever Plays On Words

The entire discipline of psychiatry is built around an artificial paradigm of pure quackery that has nothing at all to do with real scientific reasoning or a search for mental health. The targets of the lucrative Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture, and Death, who are generally sane social activists and poor people, are locked into this brutal paradigm based on a clever play on words which the cruel, unethical and brutal psychiatrists use in their clinical practices and in their swift, fixed kangaroo civil court proceedings which are used to legalize their tyranny. Consider it is written in the psychiatric texts that people suffering from bipolar disorder consistently feel it is absurd to be thrown into the mental hospital concentration camps. But, perfectly sane and well educated people justifiably feel it is absurd to be thrown into these dungeons. The psychiatrists also consistently insist that their victims are dealing with denial and are in psychotic states when they refuse to accept the unscientific diagnoses of the psychiatrists, which are rarely if ever right. This results in the victims of psychiatry being catastrophically harmed by increased drugging, forced incarcerations in mental hospitals, and court orders to legalize the tyrannical labeling and interventions of the psychiatrists when in fact the victims of the psychiatrists are generally 100% right about the diagnoses being all wrong and they are generally 100% in touch with reality when reporting on the nature of the abuses they have been subjected to by the psychiatrists, police, and others who back up this abusive system.

Mandel News Service

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Psychiatrists Wipe Kid's Lives Out In A Flash

Children, with their highly sensitive developing brains, are at particular risk from psychiatrists. Kids are being intentionally misdiagnosed with serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder by the consistently unethical, cruel, and brutal psychiatrists for huge profits. The majority of the kids labeled as mentally ill by the psychiatrists have absolutely nothing wrong with them and have simply been experiencing normal variations in development. In other instances kids suffering from such real health problems as food allergies, vitamin deficiencies, lack of enough exercise, sensitivities to high powered electromagnetic waves, and poor diets are being misdiagnosed as being mentally ill. The toxic arsenal of psychiatric drugs and mental hospital concentration camps with their beatings and other abuses begins to wipe out their young lives in a flash. In fact a child's young promising life is in the process of being brutally terminated from the first moment that child sees a psychiatrist.

Mandel News Service

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The FBI Has Been Torturing Psychiatric Abuse Victims

The FBI has the cruelest policies in the world in dealing with the victims of psychiatry. It is the position of the FBI that anyone who has had the misfortune of seeing the nations like-minded diabolically insane psychiatrists, and particularly when hit with one of their swift, fixed kangaroo civil court cases ordering psychiatric intervention even in the absence of criminal misconduct, that they do not have the right to ever earn a living or even think or feel for themselves. Perfectly capable, sane and well educated victims of psychiatry are therefore being cruelly blacklisted from jobs for which they are highly qualified and over-qualified for by the FBI. The FBI has also been using space age satellite technology to keep the victims of psychiatry under 24 hour a day electronic surveillance and to sadistically have them blasted in the brains with high energy waves to try to make them go insane. The FBI has also been using this technology to literally try to painfully take over the minds of the victims of psychiatry with electronic intrusions into their brains. It is the position of the FBI that if the victims of psychiatry refuse to take the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs when they survive orders from psychiatrists and court orders to do so, that they have no right to think or even feel for themselves. The FBI claims they are helping the victims of psychiatry in such manners when in fact their agents know they are torturing them and slowly murdering them because they refuse to allow the psychiatrists to finish them off with their toxic drugs and other abuses. This all feeds the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death" in what has become the leading criminal human rights abuser nation in world history, the United States of America. 

Mandel News Service

Monday, April 2, 2012

Psychiatric Records Are Being Used To Ruin Students and Physicians

Students at all levels of their education and physicians are being lied to when they are told psychiatrists want to work with them to help them with their careers and their lives. Psychiatric records of students and doctors are being used to ruin students and physicians, even in the absence of criminal records. This shows that psychiatrists and other types of doctors who work with psychiatrists are unethical and incompetent physicians who have been abusing their powers to inappropriately and sadistically criminalize what they label as mental illness, instead of committing themselves to humane treatment aimed at helping students and their own colleagues who are not criminals preserve their careers and lives in healthy manners. The FBI, US Attorney Generals office, and all 50 states work with the psychiatrists to use psychiatric records to blacklist the vital educational and financial interests of the victims of this tyranny, particularly when swift, fixed civil court orders are used to legalize psychiatric intervention, even in the absence of serious if any criminal misconduct. The victims of psychiatry are therefore being dealt with as if they are hard core criminals who do not deserve a chance in life, even when that simply is not true.
Mandel News Service

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Psychiatrists Are Unusually Cruel

Psychiatrists consistently manifest an unusual capacity for cruelty. In essence they are sociopaths who smooth talk their victims into believing they are their allies in life and working to help them with their mental health and to get ahead in life, when in fact they are working to break down the emotional well being and all of the interests of people unfortunate enough to see them as patients. In this manner the unusually cruel psychiatrists feed off of the disability which they themselves create in people. Most of the victims of this cruelty could have had healthy and productive lives if not for the psychiatrists.
Mandel News Service

Occupy Wall Street is launching spring events

Occupy Wall Street is launching spring events