Monday, April 25, 2022

Reflections from 'The Texas Enslavement & Torture Case'

 After being brutally kidnapped by state agents at the Houston airport I was thrown right into a psychiatric ward bypassing the standard evaluation in an emergency room. I was than forced to stay in Texas for 90 days for unwanted & forced & dangerous psychiatric treatment by an ignorant bigoted judge after the criminally insane psychiatrist & radiologist responsible for this abuse briefly testified against me at a swift kangaroo court proceeding where I was dragged drugged and beaten saying I had no respect for them. My court appointed lawyer advised the judge to let me leave Texas as soon as possible or there would be big trouble for Texas around this kind of case for a long time to come. I asked if I could speak in court & I said this entire chain of events was a disgrace. I was lured to Texas with promises of a nice place to stay at the Houston Marriott hotel & meetings about my career to follow. I was a young newly licensed NY state physician with no criminal record who had just completed a challenging internship in Florida. I had already previously resigned from an internship working for the radiologist who helped mastermind this abuse because I didn’t like his attitudes about my career & personal needs. I thought maybe he had a change of heart about how to deal with me after I became independently licensed & completed a different internship. We had a verbal argument in between this about my financial needs when the radiologist asked me to study & work for him for free as an independent physician. When I was being held in Texas & stayed the 90 days for fear Texas agents might kidnap me from outside the state if I simply left I was given $5 a day by the radiologist to take a taxi from the small apartment I had rented to the medical center. He than told me to forget my internship because he and the psychiatrist he was torturing me with would be my new references. I was very sick the entire time I was in Texas from the lithium I was forced to take. My entire career & life were ruined by this. My own father & brother shunned me and literally threw me out of my native state of Pennsylvania when I returned to visit or maybe even move home. And from being a top recruit for almost any specialty training program in the entire USA suddenly the entire medical profession blacklisted me. I had trouble getting even menial low paying jobs in the business community with many businesses even refusing that and so since I had a little money monthly under a family arrangement I left the country for decades and lived throughout Southeast Asia and elsewhere. I had some interesting reflections while in Vietnam about what trash hypocrites the US government people were in dealing with such human rights issues and about horrors of the devastation from the illegal American invasion & bombings of Vietnam in the 1960s and 1970s which I watched live on the evening news daily. I was 50 in the last draft when the USA finally pulled out of Vietnam after protestors marched across the entire USA and the draft stopped. Later in life when I brought my two kids who were born in Vietnam back to the USA thinking maybe things would change for the better here that’s not actually what happened. I have been literally tortured around the clock for decades by the government with psychotronic warfare & continued blacklists of my professional interests. This has clearly been in retaliation for my whistle blowing about this & other government endorsed human rights abuses in the country & overseas. I have had to settle for low paying jobs in the business community even though one is finally in management to supplement my assets since my own brother & his trash family stole over 50% of my inheritance rights after my relatively wealthy mother, who was really a magnificent person who shed a lot of tears about all of this, died. She told me on her deathbed to please not worry about money for me and the kids since she was leaving 50% of everything she had to me. My trash father had already died and didn’t leave us $1! And so if I stop working altogether at 67yo I fear I could run what assets I have too low if I live a very long life and furthermore than my kids wouldn’t have anything left to inherit. I’m already concerned I can’t leave them enough to secure their futures in a comfortable way unless some of my investments soar. And at 70 yo I’ll have very little Social Security to supplement my investment income because of all of this. And even though I think my story gets more and more compelling over time Hollywood has continued to ignore my desire to make a movie about this. So essentially Hollywood too has blacklisted my interests. Wealthy entertainers like to remind everyone they’re actually just other people in a lucrative industry & I never said otherwise with the same position that I’m just another person in the world too with a shocking story. I continue to think the American people for a start would be entertained by such a movie because they generally like true life drama stories if they’re produced well! So much for justice & the truth in America!>>>

Friday, November 19, 2021

The Texas Torture Case Abuses continue!

 I personally walked into an FBI office in Las Vegas decades ago to report on irregularities after being kidnapped, beaten & tortured by psychiatrists & other drs in Texas & I was told the kangaroo court proceeding there was my “day in court." Thereafter a cop broke into my apt, beat me up & falsely arrested me with no charges & no crimes. The DA in Las Vegas dropped the case when I wrote to him from overseas where I fled to save my life from the growing abuses surrounding the psychiatric abuse. My professional interests have been blacklisted ever since than & I have had to fight daily to survive. And the entire time I have been raising my two kids who were born in Vietnam thereafter while I was traveling the US government has kept up the cruel professional blacklists & has hit me with 24/7 intense electronic surveillance. And I have been hit with intense psychotronic warfare around the clock ever since I brought my kids to the USA to go to school. They’re both young adults now and the torture continues & it’s a miracle I have any money and am still living and in good health at 67 yo. Federal & state lawmakers across the USA have ignored my requests for criminal investigations of everyone responsible for this & the judge responsible for overseeing this travesty of Justice in Texas refused to reverse the case when I wrote him and requested he do so. And even decent lawyers have told me there’s just nothing they can do about this kind of thing but they would if they could with other lawyers just rudely ignoring my requests for legal assistance. It’s a miracle I have any money at all at this time in my life with much of my family inheritance stolen by my own now deceased brother who figured he could get away with doing so because of all of this. And so now with Hollywood insiders still ignoring my interests in doing a movie about this true story I’m using the Internet to try to gain interest in such a venture someplace else in the world. The USA is clearly actually a terrorist nation which has an interesting way of creating a cruel “locked in system of tyranny” around government endorsed psychiatric abuse cases aimed at crushing the vital interests & lives of activists, whistle-blowers & other innocent targeted people, including children, who have been sacrificed to fuel a very cruel & brutal system of chronic abuse!

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Memo I sent in response to a friend request from a member of Targeted Justice

I have been targeted by psychotronic surveillance & warfare 24/7 for decades. In fact at this moment I am certain the trash agents responsible for this are tracking this memo to you via satellite surveillance. When the intensity of the psychotronic warfare becomes excruciatingly painful & I get down on my knees & beg the monsters responsible for this to stop they zap me harder & harder. This was all used at the genesis of my career when I was just in my 20s to sabotage my entire career & life before I knew what was hitting me via associated erroneous psychiatric diagnoses leading to dangerous psychiatric drugging, seizures, blackouts etc and finally deadly blacklists of my professional interests. Clearly the right wing fascist monsters responsible for all of this wanted my mental health care reform initiatives & other reformist liberal initiatives crushed. So my credibility has been severely undermined due to the psychiatric stigmatization & my posture in society severely weakened by the anticipated associated financial problems. It's actually a miracle I'm still alive with any money at all at 67 yo. There have been obvious attempts with poisoning overseas with agents to murder me. I had left the country for a long time. When I had 2 kids in Vietnam and brought them to the USA hoping for better financial opportunities for them in this country I was naïve to think the agents & psychiatrists would let up on me in the best interests of my kids futures. Instead I have been literally tortured around the clock every moment I've been raising them & this has clearly severely compromised many things they may have done in life and future financial security. All this means to me is the USA is the most tyrannical trash fraud in world history. At 67 yo instead of being retired with financial security and relaxing by a beach, swimming and fishing, I spend most of my time doing menial jobs to try to keep my family's assets from being depleted. And so when via the Internet I discovered many other innocent Americans have been unjustly targeted by the government for literal torture in similar manners I went into shock. You know when a citizen of Russia or China blasts their government with allegations of corruption & brutality and unjust policies the US government rants in international forums the alleged human rights abuses are unacceptable and threatens coups, assassinations and wars. Yet when an American citizen makes similar valid criticisms of this country the government insists they must be mentally ill and belong in a mental hospital & on mind altering drugs, for after all this is supposedly a divine nation chosen by God to lead the world out of its abyss of ignorance. And supposedly only a crazy person or criminal would blast the USA as being pure hypocritical trash where innocent people are tortured 24/7, there is no equal opportunity, justice is for the extremely wealthy and privileged only and racism is a mainstay of existence! It's all sickening & has gone so far I don't really think things will ever get any better here and this will just go on and on until the entire world is blown to ashes and dust in a catastrophic nuclear war which will be largely the fault of the hypocritically insane maniacs in control of the country! And so over the years I was hoping to get a movie done about my story so I could at least get enough extra money to enjoy my elderly years and leave my kids with financial security when I die, but not surprisingly the government has obviously contacted anyone in the entertainment industry I have tried to make contacts with too and I have been dealt with like a dead person that never existed there too! Well Cliff, stay well and brave! Harold Mandel

Saturday, October 2, 2021

"The Texas Enslavement & Torture Case" update

 It’s been decades since “The Texas Enslavement & Torture Case” actually occurred & yet it couldn’t be clearer terrorist American agents consider it a literal National Security issue if the general public becomes widely aware of the truth about this case that an activist physician at the genesis of his career was maliciously & sadistically tortured in Texas to break down his career & life. This is apparent from the continued 24/7 badgering with psychotronic warfare along with intrusive 24/7 surveillance, the continued spreading of filthy lies about my character and activities, and deadly blacklists of my professional interests & my continued interest in getting a movie done about my story while I’m still alive. At 67 years old I find this shocking & I have discovered the USA has the most well funded propaganda machine in world history in dealing with innocent victims of its tyranny and that the nation is a 100% brutal fraud that has absolutely nothing to do with what the Constitution & even Supreme Court claim the nation is all about. There’s no justice, no equality, no fairness, no proper mental healthcare or even general healthcare system, no compassion, & well nothing decent about the country. I figure if I were born & raised & educated in any other country in the world I would have just been another physician that had his career & life and raised his family while earning a nice living. By now I guess I may have been at least semi-retired & trying to enjoy my elderly years after a lifetime of hard work. Instead here in the USA I have had to endure a lifetime of humiliation & degradation & the entire time I have been raising my own 2 kids who are now young adults I have had to put up with menial jobs way below my level of professional training & capacity to try to keep as much of our families limited assets as possible intact. Some people would say that’s not really true that I’m actually financially well off, but financially minded people who know the truth about how expensive just living for a family is these days know I should try to bring in extra cash for as long as possible particularly in view of my limited anticipated Social Security because of all of this. And still people sometimes ask me “Well what did you actually do wrong?” and with my medical credentials still as always in good standing and my Phi Beta Kappa membership still in my profile I answer as always “Well actually I never did anything much wrong besides maybe something petty like accidental littering or a minor traffic violation my entire life. I have one of the cleanest backgrounds of anybody I ever knew & I do not & never had any intentions of becoming a criminal to get even with anyone for all of this abuse, even though I think the US Dept of Justice is a total disgrace for not having prosecuted the doctors, cops, agents & others responsible for these snowballing abuses over the years. It’s really never been anything I have done wrong—And it’s all really never been about the past alleged mental illness which I never even actually suffered from—It’s been all about what others who have been sadists & who have had more money & power than I ever had & what a brutally corrupt US federal government & many brutally corrupt US states did wrong with the nations criminally insane psychiatrists! »»

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Personal Comment>>>>Psychiatry Should be Abolished!

 I worked my entire life to become a physician & uphold the credibility of my credentials as a legally licensed physician with a great deal of online professional work. Yet every penny I have worth considering has come from an inheritance from my dear old now deceased mother. Much more of what I was supposed to inherit was stolen by my cruel now deceased brother. I could never earn a decent living as a physician or in any other areas due to decades of brutal stigmatization & blacklists by the criminally insane psychiatrists with clear support from the feds & cops. My career & life have been destroyed by psychiatry, not by mental illness! Psychiatry must be abolished & the psychiatrists must be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity!

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Texas Torture Case Update

 The diabolically insane psychiatrist that masterminded “The Texas Enslavement & Torture Case” commented at the swift fixed kangaroo civil hearing which I was dragged before drugged and beaten that I had no respect for him and his associate, the cruel sadistic radiologist that was beside him in court. This was in response to the presiding judge asking why all of this was even necessary. Well I must admit I didn’t and never will have respect for those two trash doctors who ruined my career and life so carelessly. As for this kind of court proceeding, I have been living with post-traumatic stress ever since this event knowing that this kind of sham court proceeding is even allowed in the United States. All this all means to me is that the USA is actually a tyrannical fraud where psychiatrists, other doctors and their judges create little feudal states across the country and ignore the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Supreme Court Decisions and just do whatever they want to human beings who are not even criminals. And even if in such instances the targets of these proceedings were in some manners suffering from some type of emotional disturbance, such a situation only exacerbates that and is clearly exactly the wrong thing to do for anyone’s mental health. All this type of kangaroo court proceeding stands for to me is gross injustices, brutality, intolerance, legalized quackery, and ignorance in the USA, a country I was taught to expect so much more of. It seems I still have nothing to apologize for or confess to! I have always simply told the truth about all of this with reports on exactly what happened. Clearly it is the truth which the criminally insane psychiatrists and their associates hate the most!

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Texas Enslavement & Torture Case Update

 The Governor of Texas’s office has ignored a recent online letter of mine requesting that this case be taken down and that I be given financial reparations for the cleared wrongdoing. And the feds and police working with the psychiatrists continue to have me badgered and ruined with filthy lies about my mental health status at 66 years old after all of these decades even though as usual my overall health status in body and mind is unusually good for my age as always. This is not to say such abuses with the associated stigmatization, blacklists and financial ruination would be justified for anyone even if they have suffered from mental illness. Yet psychotronic warfare is being used as usual to badger me even in my home and wherever I go with the game plan by the terrorist feds, cops and psychiatrists as usual to insist I must be psychotic when I report on this and other abuses. With all of the horrible problems the USA and world are being confronted with dealing with police brutality, racial hate crimes, and the pandemic the terrorist US government and State of New York along with Texas and the other states remain heavily invested in such abuses. This is all so sad with it clearing the worse scum in the history of mankind are and always have been in control of the USA and the medical profession. They had no right to interfere in my life and career for even a moment in the first place and yet I have lead a tormented life because of these monsters. And this is the kind of trash country and world my two Vietnamese/American children will be left with when I die because clearly nothing really ever changes for the better here. I feel guilty that I even had kids to bring into such a sick country and world to begin with. The only thing that can help at all is more money to help improve our lives so please donate if you can!