Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Stimulus payment needed because of the trash psychiatrists!

 I got a stimulus payment from the government today and I must admit it helps. However even though I appreciate the extra money to help me out with my family nevertheless the paradox is if the government did not endorse psychiatrists I would have been earning enough money from my professional career and assets that I wouldn’t have needed this extra money. And so it really is my opinion something is deeply wrong with how the government of the USA handles these matters. Obviously during these times of increased violent activities against decent citizens and the government from right wing fanatics and terrorists the image of the government is important and whatever ideological and direct support the government can get is important. Yet if the government keeps helping to waste human productivity and lives of well educated and hard working law abiding people with the tyrannical quackery of the trash psychiatrists than of course this needed support will often be lacking because people unnecessarily fighting for their lives because of the psychiatrists, not because of mental illness, can’t possibly show support for the same forces that put them and their families in so much pain. And so in such instances peaceful protest with respect for freedom of speech and press rights instead comes to the forefront in a bitter fight for survival instead of the experience of pleasant lives with all of the advantages that would bring. Well frankly I think in my case with all of this still going on at 66 years old it’s all more shocking than ever now. And I see from reports daily from the Citizens Commission on Human Rights and Jim Gottstein, JD of PsychRights that I’m sure as hell just one of many, many innocent targets of this type of insanity. And so just as I felt decades ago I honestly think the US government is making a big mistake not opening up criminal investigations of what’s been done to me with requests for me to testify about what’s happened on Capitol Hill. I guess when I’m finally dead someday many people may say it seems I must have been right about all of this all along and than it will be too late for my presence to help effect more positive necessary legal reforms in dealing with the diabolically insane psychiatrists and their supporters in the medical profession and elsewhere!