Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The American Psychiatric System Is Based On Sadistic ISIS Styled Terrorism

Terror tactics are being used daily by the American psychiatrists working with the US feds, cops and judges to sadistically and brutally enforce their dangerous destructive interventions on people who otherwise could have generally done just fine in life. This all has nothing at all to do with actual proper humane mental health care and is actually a form of brutal ISIS styled terrorism aimed at wiping out freedom, democracy, equal opportunity and individuality for all but a select group of extremely wealthy elitists across the USA!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The USA Has Been On A Psychiatric Killing Spree

The United States government has been working with psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses and other doctors and nurses who work with them to enslave, torture and murder sane activists, poor people and people who may have some mental health issues that are completely curable with humane natural mental health care. The extreme forms of abuse include excruciatingly painful cyber warfare directed into the brains of the targets of this tyranny along with 24/7 satellite drone surveillance aimed at undermining all of their vital interests, the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs, police beatings with false charges and false arrests, incarcerations in mental hospital concentration camps, sexual assaults, and isolation chambers with strait jackets and higher than normal doses of neuroleptic injections. This is all followed by enforced stigmatization, blacklists and created and enforced poverty if the targets of this tyranny survive the initial round of torture directed against them. Together all of this is as deadly as ISIS attacks and yet the US government, courts, and psychiatrists keep insisting this is all in some manners state of the art treatment even though there are clearly never any initiatives towards any forms of rational, humane treatment with any of the people these scum get their hands on. The US government and trash American psychiatrists have a silent policy of never letting up on the targets of their abuses until they are dead in order to undermine the credibility of reports dealing with this atrocious criminal misconduct.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The USA Psychiatric Terror State is As Deadly As ISIS Held Territory

The USA has created a criminal Psychiatric Terror State wherein the feds, police and psychiatrists work together with the courts to enslave, torture and murder sane activists and poor people along with people who could perhaps benefit from proper humane natural mental health care. The methods of madness in this legalized mass murder scheme include the psychiatric drugs which are all highly toxic poisons which mimic mental illness and worse and mental hospital concentration camps which are actually torture chambers which serve no diagnostic or therapeutic value. When targets of this brutality protest their circumstances the US feds and cops simply beat them up and lock them up in jail with no valid charges if any charges at all in order to give them arrest records. The US feds and cops also keep the targets of this sadistic cruelty under 24/7 satellite drone surveillance which is used to undermine all of their vital interests while creating and enforcing deadly poverty with associated blacklists and slander spread across communities. Overall the situation is as pathetically brutal and deadly as what is alleged to be going on in ISIS held territory in Iraq and Syria.

Monday, October 13, 2014

USA Uses Police Brutality & False Arrests To Create Psychiatric Cases

The USA has been brutally arresting law abiding sane activists and poor people with no charges and than insisting they're mentally ill or they wouldn't have been arrested. The trendy diagnostic entities of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are used as intentional misdiagnoses by the diabolically insane American psychiatrists in attempts to painfully finish off these poor souls. What this means is the USA is a sadistic, arrogant, criminal terrorist styled Psychiatric Police State!