Monday, November 9, 2020

"An American Deep State uses cruel methods of madness to fuel 'The American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death'"


Activists, whistleblowers and poor people are the primary targets of brutal psychiatric tyranny across the USA, although anybody can be targeted by this abusive system. An American Deep State consisting primarily of psychiatrists, other doctors and nurses, feds, cops and intelligence agents along with their personal judges work aggressively around the clock to set up their targeted victims for psychiatric takedown and extermination procedures. At first low energy psychotronic warfare is used to zap targeted people in the brains to cause them to feel, think, say and do things out of the ordinary before they know what hit them. This leads to unexpected and very costly quitting of important jobs, public outbursts, irregular driving, arguments with family members, friends and strangers and academic problems in school for students who generally do very well. This all results in career, personal, financial and academic problems with associated mood and behavior problems which paints a textbook picture of mental illness. Targeted people are than conned or forced via quick, fixed kangaroo civil court orders to see psychiatrists. The painful and highly toxic psychiatric interventions which follow including the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs and railroading into the mental hospital concentration camps leads to a further deterioration of the well being of targeted people. Unprovoked police brutality and false arrests in death chamber overcrowded holding cells with no charges and no crimes committed also often occur. If victims of this tyranny figure out what caused these serious disruptions in their lives to occur and they report on it online and to authority figures including the lawmakers they are hit back harder than ever with more powerful psychotronic warfare directed into their brains around the clock. Intentional stigmatization, filthy lies about their characters and conditions, and blacklists all lead to social isolation and the total ruination of careers, families, fortunes and lives of targeted people. All along everyone contacted by victims of this tyranny with requests for help are contacted by members of the American Deep State and advised not to deal with them with implications they could be confronted with possible negative consequences themselves for not respecting the American system instead of being rewarded with more lucrative opportunities if they instead choose to cooperate. This all leads to well educated, intelligent, highly capable and ethical targeted people leading wasted lives as they struggle to survive on the fringes of society as the monsters responsible for this ignorant tyranny prosper and control the society!»>