Friday, May 31, 2019

"Family, friends & others are made to feel like good people for helping to torture innocent people with psychiatry in the USA!"

The psychiatrists, lawmakers, feds, cops and judges who are responsible for creating and enforcing the psychiatric system across the USA are diabolically insane sadists who generate intense degrees of pain and suffering and extreme misery in innocent men, women and children for a living. The goal of this highly destructive system is to nurture extreme states of dependence by breaking down the physical health, mental health and financial well being of its victims. Family members and friends are recruited along with others in society to assist the psychiatrists and government into railroading law abiding, ethical, honest and emotionally and intellectually intelligent peace loving people into the brutal psychiatric system based on filthy lies and set-ups aimed at inciting them to make them appear to be out of control and mentally ill. And people who may be struggling with some type of mental health issues which could benefit from humane natural oriented mental healthcare are also targeted to be pushed into the deadly psychiatric system with assertions by the authority figures that this is best for the society. And so family members, friends and others in society are made to feel like good citizens and good people for helping to painfully and catastrophically destroy innocent men, women and children who are chosen to be sacrificed to the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death," This has lead to the decay of respect for humane value systems across the entire society wherein it therefore is reasonable to assume anything horrible really is possible coming from anyone at anytime!»>

Thursday, May 30, 2019

"Victims of psychiatry are scapegoats of sociopaths!"

The psychiatrists themselves along with others who refer people to psychiatrists and the feds and cops who help to enforce psychiatry use people targeted for psychiatric intervention as scapegoats for their own gross incompetence and brutal wrongdoing. Targets of this tyranny are often mild mannered and well educated people with great potential in life which is carelessly and needlessly wasted by the psychiatric system. The destructive discipline of psychiatry offers a perfect vehicle for sadistic sociopaths to cover-up for their abusive behavior by blaming the alleged mental illness of their victims for making it necessary for them to behave in such abhorrent manners. Even the lawmakers and judges who have made psychiatric intervention legal are using victims of psychiatry as scapegoats to cover-up for massive failures in the establishment they have created for themselves wherein there is massive unemployment and under-employment, poverty, homelessness, hard crime, drug and alcohol abuse and police brutality among other serious problems. The plight of innocent men, women and children victimized by the failures of the establishment is often blamed on alleged psychiatric illness!»>

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

"Psychiatric labels are used to severely hurt innocent people, not humanely prevent or treat mental illness!"

The psychiatrists are greedy diabolically insane sadists and leeches of society who regularly use trendy diagnostic labels such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder to feed off of innocent men, women and children who have the misfortune of being their patients. These unscientific labels are used to stigmatize people and undermine their chances for mental health instead of to help humanely prevent and treat mental illness. There have rarely if ever been any actual textbook cases of these supposed illnesses, and there are no scientific markers used to diagnose these entities with the labels therefore actually being based on the subjective whims and bigotries of the psychiatrists, other doctors and psychiatric nurses. It’s not to say that people don’t experience extreme anxiety, depression and even psychotic states. However, even though psychiatrists say they account for the myriad of medical causes of these unstable states of being, such as poor nutrition, allergies, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, drugs and alcohol, in practice they do not take all of this into account. The psychiatrists do not take proper complete medical histories and they do not do complete medical exams with proper lab testing, even though they are taught to do this in medical school. Clearly these leeches of society know they are on a gravy train to huge profits once they’re in practice with very few if any actual checks and balances to their practices. Evidence of the consistent wrongdoing of psychiatrists is hard if not impossible for qualified negligence attorneys to come up with because their consistently poor practices become the standard of care in psychiatry. The popularization of psychiatry by the lay press and TV gossip shows along with government propaganda about psychiatry has most of the general public simply blindly accepting psychiatry as being a credible mental healthcare discipline which deserves respect. The legalization of psychiatry by indifferent and cruel lawmakers and judges leads to likewise chronically abusive federal agents and cops working with psychiatrists to use psychiatric labeling to catastrophically ruin potentially healthy and productive lives. In fact innocent targets of the “American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death” are stalked and badgered with psychotronic warfare around the clock and hit with character assassination and blacklists based on filthy lies about them and their capacity to produce well in demanding and well paying positions for which they are well qualified. Along with other destructive interventions such as the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs and electric shock this all amounts to the slow and methodical murders of people who see psychiatrists as patients in what has therefore become a terrorist society where taking part in and supporting abhorrent cruelty of this nature by the psychiatric system often leads to great success!»>

Monday, May 27, 2019

"The psychiatric system is used to disempower good people!"

It is pure propaganda to say that psychiatrists try as hard as possible to help people with their mental health. As a matter of fact the unusually sadistic psychiatrists work closely with the feds and cops to undermine the well-being of patients. The family and social relationships of innocent men, women and children targeted for psychiatric takedowns are generally ruined due to filthy lies by these monsters. And the academic, career and vital financial interests of victims of psychiatry are consistently intentionally undermined by the abhorrent animals responsible for this tyranny. Horribly cruel lawmakers and judges have made this all possible by making the brutal social control of psychiatry legal based on their own ignorant bigotries. The disempowered people who survive the filthy abuses of psychiatry help to fuel the ever more powerful and lucrative "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death" due to the dependence on outside assistance to survive which has been forced upon them!»>

Sunday, May 26, 2019

"All 50 American states as endorsed by the US federal government are viscous human rights abuser entities that encourage torture by psychiatrists!"

The 50 American states have essentially totally negated the value and impact of the Constitution of the USA and Supreme Court decisions which have been aimed at securing the personal freedoms of American citizens with equal opportunity and justice in the country. Under the state laws across the country innocent men, women and children can be kidnapped to the mental hospital concentration camps from anyplace at anytime and with no good reasons at all with assertions by the offending state agents that this is necessary for the mental hygiene of their communities. Targets of this filthy tyranny can be held for a short time with no charges and no criminal activities in preparation for their brief moment in court. Any two licensed physicians, generally a psychiatrist and another medical doctor, are paid to briefly testify at these closed door kangaroo civil court proceedings before local judges they work with regularly. There is no sworn in testimony and no juries at these proceedings. The psychiatric court judges are a disgrace to humanity and earn a free ride in life, due to powerful political connections, ordering psychiatric intervention for just about everyone who is dragged into their courts. This intervention is degrading, humiliating and painful and has absolutely no diagnostic or therapeutic value. The legal stigmatization from these proceedings is used by cops to undermine the vital social, academic, career and financial interests of its victims for the remainder of their lives. This generally leads to totally wasted potential of intellectually and emotionally intelligent people who are often pushed into isolated lives as they struggle to survive on the fringes of society. The US feds recognize these sham civil proceedings as being valid cases in American courts and are quick to assist the psychiatrists and cops in undermining the human rights of the targets of this ignorant tyranny with the position that they had their day in court. This all fuels the powerful and very lucrative "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!"»>

Thursday, May 23, 2019

"The American psychiatrists & US government are terrorists who have legalized torture & murder!"

On a daily basis scores of perfectly sane human rights activists and people who may be suffering from some type of mental health problem are brutally tortured and murdered by the American psychiatric system. While the lawmakers pass bills granting more and more money for psychiatric intervention and the judges order more and more psychiatric intervention on a daily basis all of this actually has absolutely nothing to do with humane prevention or treatment of mental illness. Being medical doctors simply serves as a front for the diabolically insane psychiatrists to insist they are committed to mental healthcare, when in fact they profit greatly from nurturing and creating mental illness. The feds and cops all along are unusually aggressive about upholding cruel and damaging stigmatization of victims of psychiatry and enforcing brutal psychiatric interventions. The poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs and railroading into the mental hospital concentration camps along with creation of police records secondary to police brutality and false arrests with no charges and no crimes committed are among the methods of madness used to sadistically ridicule and destroy targets of psychiatric tyranny. Blacklists of the vital academic, career and financial interests of victims of this tyranny are also routine practices. Another favored method of abuse of victims of psychiatry by the feds and cops has been satellite driven psychotronic warfare since this is invisible to the public and these terrorists can claim people reporting on it are psychotic. Clearly torture and murder with psychiatry have been legalized in the United States which is therefore among the leading terrorist nations in the world!»>

Monday, May 20, 2019

"Psychiatrists generally increase doses of toxic drugs when dangerous side effects occur!"

One of many tragically careless aspects of psychiatric practice is seen with how haphazardly the toxic arsenal of psychiatric drugs are prescribed for people. There are no biological markers for the diagnoses of psychiatrists to begin with and so these dangerous drugs are being prescribed to supposedly prevent and treat mental health conditions patients may not actually even suffer from. When symptoms of side effects, which can be severe such as seizures, blackouts, suicidal and homicidal thoughts, intense anxiety and depression occur with the psychiatric drugs the psychiatrists often insist the psychiatric illnesses themselves are the cause of these dangerous symptoms and increase the doses of the drugs while also adding other drugs to their potentially lethal prescriptions. This degree of arrogant carelessness in dealing with the well being of people could be viewed as manslaughter or even murder when deaths occur. Yet, sadly the feds and cops generally encourage and help to enforce the use of psychiatric drugs due to the legalization of the abhorrently poor medical practices of psychiatrists by the lawmakers and judiciary!»>

Sunday, May 19, 2019

"The US government is a terrorist regime which works with the terrorist psychiatrists to brutally shut down lives!"

While insisting that the United States is a civilized nation where it is illegal to abuse human beings whether or not they have suffered from mental illness, the US government and American psychiatrists nevertheless regularly torture innocent men, women and children targeted by psychiatry. Both people who may have suffered from some type of mental illness and human rights activists among others who may have never actually suffered from mental illness are chronically abused by the brutal and ignorant psychiatric system across the USA. In fact people in the country are marked for psychiatric labeling in order to give the feds, cops, psychiatrists and their personal judges excuses to brutally shut down their academic and career interests which generally leads to the creation and nurturing of painful and deadly economic distress. This goes on for the remainder of the lives of victims of the "American Psychiatric Enslavement, Torture & Killing Machine" and the victims of these atrocities can generally only beat a horrible fate of oppressed lives with financial help from family and friends or if perhaps they are very talented people in the entertainment industry which has traditionally refused to answer to requests from the government and psychiatrists to blacklist people stigmatized with labels of mental illness!»>

Saturday, May 18, 2019

"The United States is a gangster country where innocent people are kidnapped to mental hospital concentration camps"

The United States regularly makes a case for its own greatness with filthy lies and distortions of the truth about what's really going on in the country in dealing with human rights. While either criminal or purely ignorant lawmakers make a case for more and more funding for psychiatrists with assertions this is in the best interests of the mental health of the people of the country the fact of the matter is the destructive discipline of psychiatry consistently causes far more harm than good in dealing with the proper and humane prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. Furthermore, swift civil cases are regularly rigged against targets of psychiatric tyranny in the United States in kangaroo court proceedings with no evidence, no juries and no sworn in testimony in order to make forced painful and deadly psychiatric intervention appear civilized due to this legalization with crooked county judges whom the psychiatrists work alongside. To make matters worse the American feds and cops regularly kidnap innocent and harmless people to the mental hospital concentration camps by tricking them into situations which make them vulnerable for this abuse and by hitting them from behind with injections of drugs which knock them out. This is where victims of the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death" are prepared for their brief moment in the kangaroo civil psychiatric courts. If people survive this abuse they are thereafter confronted with intentional stigmatization and deadly blacklists by the government which leads to social isolation and horrible lives. And so clearly the United States is a gangster country which steals the lives of innocent people on a daily basis by violating their human rights in such abhorrent manners!»>

Friday, May 17, 2019

"Psychiatrists & the US government are responsible for suicides of psychiatric patients"

While insisting they have a mission to keep their patients alive psychiatrists inflict their patients with so much intense pain and suffering their lives are made unbearably miserable. It seems even if people unfortunate enough to become patients of psychiatrists had a mental health issue to begin with the psychiatrists consistently make it worse. The toxic attitudes and destructive interventions of psychiatrists coupled with the tragically adolescent and hostile attitudes of the feds and cops in dealing with victims of psychiatry leads to forced downhill socioeconomic drifts for targets of psychiatric intervention. This often leads to or exacerbates suicidal thoughts and intent of patients of psychiatrists who are simply made to feel no matter what they do life is hopeless and will no longer ever be worth living for them!»>

Thursday, May 16, 2019

"Psychiatry is toxic for your mental health & well being"

Everything about psychiatry is toxic for your mental health and well being. The interventions and attitudes of the psychiatrists and their supporters among other members of the professional community, the feds, cops, lawmakers, judiciary and general public are highly painful and destructive in nature. These abhorrent human rights abusers actually work together to sadistically take everything away from innocent targets of psychiatric intervention which people need for their mental health in efforts to create chronic patients out of them. Instead of being encouraged to attend school and work activities with friends and colleagues the repugnant psychiatric abuse cliques try to create marginalized lives for their victims by undermining these and other vital interests. This all generally leads into catastrophic and potentially deadly financial problems in the downward socioeconomic drift created by the psychiatric hoodlums. Victims of this abuse find themselves being isolated from family events and social events due to the intentional stigmatization by the psychiatrists and Justice Departments which work with them. Instead of joining family and friends to do nice things which nurture good health in body, mind and spirit such as fishing, swimming, hiking, horse back riding, bike riding and more during the holiday seasons victims of psychiatry find themselves being excluded and searching for solace drinking, doing drugs or just laying alone in their dark rooms. The toxic arsenal of psychiatric drugs, railroading into the mental hospital concentration camps and satellite driven psychotronic warfare directed into the brains of victims of psychiatry along with other horrible psychiatric interventions all exacerbate these problems. Overall clearly the direction of psychiatry is to take away everything people need for good health in body, mind and spirit as they are made into human sacrifices to feed the cruel psychiatric system in what is therefore a terrorist society which insists it's civilized!»>

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

"The American feds, cops, psychiatrists, their judges & other supporters of psychiatry together rank among the most atrocious human rights abusers in world history"

Together authority figures across the USA use psychiatric labels as an excuse to brutally torture innocent men, women and children around the clock. The psychiatric labels, which have absolutely no credible scientific basis, are routinely used for profit and to undermine the vital interests of victims of psychiatry in efforts to make them dependent on the brutal psychiatric system. The psychiatric interventions themselves, including the toxic arsenal of psychiatric drugs, electric shock, strait jackets, and isolation all harm patients terribly. The goal of the establishment in instituting psychiatry is to sadistically waste lives while fueling the powerful and lucrative "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death" with no actual interest in preventing or humanely treating mental illness. All of the 50 American states, courts and federal government are terrorist entities as manifested by their aggressive support of psychiatric tyranny which wastes more lives daily than heavily armed inner city ghetto gangs, drug cartels, the mafia and overseas groups labeled as terrorists by the US Department of State together. In fact the extreme forms of brutality which these groups often resort to in order to get their way may very well be in response to the hypocritically brutal methods the powers across the USA use to enforce their tyranny against innocent people. A favored method of madness used by the American feds and cops to manufacture mental illness and cases against their victims has been satellite driven psychotronic warfare directed into people's brains in order to mess up their normal brain functioning!»>

Monday, May 13, 2019

"Killer judges help the diabolically insane psychiatrists, feds & cops destroy people"

The overall well being and vital interests of Innocent men, women and children are consistently destroyed by psychiatrists in spite of their propaganda which insists they are working to help people with their mental health and therefore also their associated interests in life. The pain and suffering associated with psychiatric intervention is so extreme it amounts to literal torture whether it is forced or voluntary treatment. And instead of working to protect people unfortunate enough to be their patients from deadly consequences in all realms of their lives due to psychiatric stigmatization the diabolically insane psychiatrists help to sadistically enforce this stigmatization and the associated negative consequences by working closely with the feds and police to keep track of their innocent victims. In order to legalize this brutal tyranny the psychiatrists work alongside "killer judges" who are quick to order damaging psychiatric intervention for law abiding men, women and children in swift, fixed kangaroo civil court proceedings with no juries and no sworn in testimony!>>>

Thursday, May 9, 2019

"The psychiatrists & psychiatric nurses belong in prison for being unusually abusive & careless with people's lives!"

 Psychiatry is a destructive discipline which consistently causes serious harm to the overall health and well being of people. The psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses are clever con artists who play up the position of being professionals to insist they are actually trying as hard as possible to help people unfortunate enough to be their patients even as there remains as always unusually large numbers of reports by victims of psychiatry dealing with how they have been harmed by psychiatric intervention. As a matter of fact it appears no matter how bad things may at times get for the mental health of men, women and children, psychiatrists always make things worse. It's hard to prove intent to cause harm for large profits by the psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses due to a literal conspiracy of silence among them about their true motives. Dissident doctors and nurses who blow the whistle about psychiatric abuses are themselves at great risk of being targeted for these abuses with associated stigmatization and character assassination in order to undermine the credibility of their reports. Yet even in the absence of being able to prove intent these charlatans of society belong in prison. Consider if a driver of a moving vehicle hits a group of school children walking to school and kills several of them and cripples several of them. Even in the absence of proven intent to do this the local District Attorney will probably want the driver prosecuted with a sentence of time in jail for being unusually careless. Psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses consistently cause serious harm and even premature death to their patients and they therefore belong in jail for being unusually careless in dealing with the lives of their victims, even in the absence of being able to prove intent to cause harm. The fact that these monsters are rarely arrested by the feds and cops and convicted for their profitable criminal mischief shows just how pathetically sadistic and corrupt our society is!»>

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

"Strait jackets, isolation & psychiatric drugging are assault & battery, torture & attempted murder!"

The psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses are criminally insane sadists who insist their destructive interventions are somehow treatment. Using strait jackets and isolation chambers along with the use of highly potent psycho-pharmacologic agents are a mainstay of intervention used by these monsters in their mental hospitals. This all has nothing at all to do with the proper prevention or treatment of mental illness. Furthermore, for those who insist this is proper punishment for recalcitrant patients, that's absurd too. Punishing patients in such abusive ways simply exacerbates distrust and nurtures unstable states of mind while actually amounting to cruel and unusual punishment. The shock on the body and mind from such abuse is extraordinary and leads to emotional scars for life if the patients survive such stress which can lead to fatal heart attacks. Clearly the mental hospitals are not treatment centers but are a front for concentration camps where innocent men, women and children are being tortured and exterminated for huge profits. Yet, pathetically the American feds, cops and their personal judges generally endorse such horrible abuses by psychiatrists which manifests they are inherently sadistic monsters themselves who have together with the psychiatrists undermined all concepts of civilized socieities!»>

Monday, May 6, 2019

The American feds, cops and psychiatrists really are sadistic criminals who literally lie to have good people labeled as mentally ill so they can than have them tortured and murdered with psychiatric intervention. Around the clock the targets of this tyranny are beaten down with satellite driven electronic warfare, organized public humiliation campaigns and cruel and deadly blacklists. A primary goal of the authorities who make up brutal "Psychiatric Abuse Cliques" is to nurture pained states of existence for their victims so they can't achieve actual mental wellness. Clearly there are never any real initiatives to prevent mental illness, humanely and effectively treat mental illness and to nurture mental health by these monsters who thrive off of the pain and suffering they intentionally inflict innocent human beings with!»>

Thursday, May 2, 2019

"The American feds, cops & psychiatrists with support from their personal judges tear apart family relationships & other vital relationships in the manufacturing of mental illness!"

Knowing that close family relationships and other close relationships are vital for mental health, the terrorist American feds, cops and psychiatrists with support from their personal judges intentionally sabotage these relationships. Human rights activists and other innocent people chosen for literal extermination by the powerful and lucrative "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death" are targeted by extreme efforts to isolate them in order to promote unstable states of being. Significant others are contacted by the feds, cops and psychiatrists with distorted information about the targets of this tyranny along with requests by the criminal US Department of Justice that their pained pleas for normal support and assistance with their personal lives and academic, career and financial interests be ignored. Character assassination based on filthy lies about the targets of psychiatric tyranny leaves pictures of them painted as being horrible and dangerous people to deal with even when they are generally very intellectually and emotionally intelligent people who actually have a lot to offer in all vital realms of their lives. The favored intentional psychiatric misdiagnoses of these people are the trendy entities of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder due to the scare tactics played up by the government, psychiatrists and press in dealing with these erroneous labels. This all helps the autocrats who make up these "Psychiatric Abuse Cliques" win their cases of alleged mental illness against their victims with no efforts ever actually being made to prevent and cure mental illness by these monsters!»>