Friday, November 19, 2021

The Texas Torture Case Abuses continue!

 I personally walked into an FBI office in Las Vegas decades ago to report on irregularities after being kidnapped, beaten & tortured by psychiatrists & other drs in Texas & I was told the kangaroo court proceeding there was my “day in court." Thereafter a cop broke into my apt, beat me up & falsely arrested me with no charges & no crimes. The DA in Las Vegas dropped the case when I wrote to him from overseas where I fled to save my life from the growing abuses surrounding the psychiatric abuse. My professional interests have been blacklisted ever since than & I have had to fight daily to survive. And the entire time I have been raising my two kids who were born in Vietnam thereafter while I was traveling the US government has kept up the cruel professional blacklists & has hit me with 24/7 intense electronic surveillance. And I have been hit with intense psychotronic warfare around the clock ever since I brought my kids to the USA to go to school. They’re both young adults now and the torture continues & it’s a miracle I have any money and am still living and in good health at 67 yo. Federal & state lawmakers across the USA have ignored my requests for criminal investigations of everyone responsible for this & the judge responsible for overseeing this travesty of Justice in Texas refused to reverse the case when I wrote him and requested he do so. And even decent lawyers have told me there’s just nothing they can do about this kind of thing but they would if they could with other lawyers just rudely ignoring my requests for legal assistance. It’s a miracle I have any money at all at this time in my life with much of my family inheritance stolen by my own now deceased brother who figured he could get away with doing so because of all of this. And so now with Hollywood insiders still ignoring my interests in doing a movie about this true story I’m using the Internet to try to gain interest in such a venture someplace else in the world. The USA is clearly actually a terrorist nation which has an interesting way of creating a cruel “locked in system of tyranny” around government endorsed psychiatric abuse cases aimed at crushing the vital interests & lives of activists, whistle-blowers & other innocent targeted people, including children, who have been sacrificed to fuel a very cruel & brutal system of chronic abuse!