Saturday, December 18, 2010

American Psychiatrists Have Created The Cruelest Nation In World History Out of the USA!

The United States has become the cruelest nation in world history because of the arrogance, unethical conduct, and brutality of the American psychiatrists who have insisted upon and have been granted the power to legalize their quackery and tyranny in county court rooms across the nation. Nobody seems to care that clearly the work of the American psychiatrists has nothing at all to do with promoting mental health and productivity for individuals and for the society. The propaganda machine of the psychiatrists has much of the public believing that since they train themselves for many years they must be good doctors, when in fact their many years of training are simply a rite of passage to lucrative careers of tyranny wherein those who learn to stay silent and ask no questions about psychiatric tyranny are risen to the highest levels of power and income on the University Medical school campuses and in Wall Street firms which control the American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death. And the US Department of Justice simply pushes across the questionable  position that their agents just have a job to do which is to enforce what the state and federal law makers desire, which have embedded the ignorance and sadism of the American psychiatrists into the framework of the American way of life in order to allow those with money and power to use psychiatry to manipulate the feelings, thoughts and actions of primarily poor and oppressed people across the nation. Sometimes more well off social activists who are targeted for attempts to drive them into poverty are also intentionally ruined with America's sadistic psychiatric weapons of destruction. And this has been the game plan of the American psychiatrists who are involved in mass eugenics based on subjective projections of their own bigotries, to drive their victims into life threatening and often lethal poverty. More otherwise very promising lives have been brutally stolen in such manners by America's elitist psychiatrists than by any genocide in world history. This Christmas holiday season as usual the men, women and children who are victims of the American psychiatric death squads will be fighting on the fringes of society to survive while the cruel psychiatrists who refuse to open up their options in life will be jet setting to fancy resorts in extravagant  vacation spots in such places as the Bahamas, Mexico and Hawaii.