Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The USA Has Created A Mental Health Human Rights Abuse Cycle Of Tyranny

There appears to be a pathetically sad position on the part of the FBI, CIA, American cops and American psychiatrists that if someone gets sick when they are literally tortured with high energy satellite transmitted waves directed into their brains that they are mentally ill. This postulate completely ignores the fact that people who are mentally healthy with perfectly normal brains get sick when they are tortured in such manners. And an apparent addiction to feeding the nations "Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death" has US feds working with US cops and psychiatrists zapping men, women and children into hysterical states with high energy waves powerful enough to knock an elephant off of its feet and than having them maliciously and sadistically labeled as being mentally ill based on gross violations of their privacy using the same type of technology for 24 hour a day surveillance. A cycle of tyranny is created as a repetition of these events occurs each time the victims fight back and insist they are not actually mentally ill at all but instead are victims of torture in their own country.