Monday, December 2, 2013

The USA Is A Criminal Nation Which Is Using Psychiatry For Murder

The US feds, cops and psychiatrists have been using psychiatry for genocide of sane activists who are usually, but now always poor. Together these monsters have actually been simply making things up about people, violating their rights to privacy, and dangerously inciting them to behave in abnormal manners in order to set them up to be thrown in overcrowded holding cells and filthy mental hospital concentration rooms, without respecting their legal rights, to be raped, knifed or beaten to death by hard core criminals who are also thrown in these places. If the targets of this criminal barbarism survive they are drugged with poisonous psychiatric drugs, strait jacketed and thrown in isolation chambers with no provocation and with toxic levels of neuroleptics shot in them, clearly aimed as killing them from stress. Thereafter if they are still alive by some miracle, they are hit with 24 hour a day satellite drone surveillance and badgering, blacklists, and organized public ridicule campaigns! The US government and psychiatrists, along with other doctors and nurses who work with them, have a code of silence about all of this, and move together with force to torture and slowly painfully murder whistle blowers by turning these abuses on them!