Monday, February 17, 2014

Intense Satellite Surveillance Being Used To Torture Mental Health Activists in USA

The criminally insane US feds, working with the diabolically insane American psychiatrists, have been using satellite drone high energy waves to keep sane dissidents under intense surveillance every second and to literally torture them every second of every minute of every day in attempts to make them commit suicide or to drive them insane. People who may in fact suffer from some type of emotional problems are dealt with just as poorly in attempts to finish them off. The psychiatrists work with the US feds and cops to intentionally misdiagnose the targets of this tyranny with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia so they can finish them off with their poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs, mental hospital concentration camps, and swift, fixed kangaroo civil court proceedings aimed at legalizing this barbarism. Just about every lawmaker in the USA and just about everyone with money and power in the USA knows they have to support all of this, if in fact that's not what they preferred in the first place, or they too will be targeted for the same abuses in attempts to dispose of them. Therefore, the government of the USA is a hostile enemy of the poor people across the USA and many others and the USA is a actually a disgusting totalitarian Psychiatric Police State which insists on the silent right to dangerously and painfully control the thoughts, emotions and actions of the people of the country, making the USA rank among the most horrible countries in the world to live, study, work and raise kids in. Simply stated, life has been completely dehumanized most of the time for most people in the USA!