Saturday, July 5, 2014

Targets of Terrorist Styled American Psychiatric Tyranny are Tortured Over Money

The US feds, cops, county psychiatric court judges and psychiatrists along with their associates in the medical profession are filthy terrorists who have been using intentional misdiagnoses of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia to justify literally torturing sane activists over earning money. Knowing that it takes a great deal of money to have freedom and independence and to reach for good health in body, mind and spirit these animals turn it all around and intentionally undermine initiatives by the targets of their tyranny to earn a decent amount of money which they deserve for their work! These monsters have the targets of their repressive ignorance struggling so hard around the clock just to make a little money if there are any options opened up to earn any money at all that the stress alone from such financial pressures would of course make any normal person sick!