Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The US Government & American Psychiatrists Use Mental Hospitals To Make People Sick

The US federal government and state governments working with the diabolically insane American psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses railroad sane activists and poor people among others into mental hospital concentration camps to have them terrorized with beatings, sexual assaults, painful and dangerous drugging with toxic psychiatric drugs which can cause permanent neurological damage and permanent damage to other vital body organs and which can be lethal, and isolation among other abuses. These abuses are used to make the targets of this barbarism hysterical with the appearance of mental illness. The psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses than intentionally misdiagnose their victims with such trendy entities as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder which always turns out to be very lucrative for the psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses. The US federal government and state governments help feed the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death" with lies to the public that these people were run into mental hospitals to evaluated and properly diagnosed with whatever mental illness they are alleged to be suffering from when in fact most if not all of these people never suffered from any mental illness to begin with. Swift, fixed kangaroo civil court proceedings with no juries and no sworn in testimony before sadistic judges who work closely with the psychiatrists and other medical doctors who support the psychiatrists are used to legalize this tyranny in all 50 US states.