Sunday, November 22, 2015

The US Federal Government & State Governments Are Psychiatric Terror Machines

The US federal government and state governments have proven to be the most horrible governments in the world. These terrorist styled entities have been working with the American psychiatrists to pathologize and criminalize every little thing in the lives of men, women and children in order to catastrophically destroy them with intentional misdiagnoses of such trendy diagnostic entities as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Destructive psychiatric interventions are than used to cripple and ,kill the targets of this tyranny. Electronic warfare has been added to the arsenal of deadly psychiatric interventions which include poisonous psychiatric drugs and beatings and sexual assaults in mental hospital concentration camps. The targets of this tyranny who are generally victims of 24/7 satellite surveillance and badgering are generally decent people who are not guilty of anything serious if anything at all whom the barbarians responsible for this tyranny hate because they believe people should be kind and considerate to each other instead of hostile like the trash feds, cops and psychiatrists are 24/7! These pathetic and ignorant barbarians including their personal judges do not even consider taking a moment to simply give some considerate advice to help the targets of their tyranny along in life even though in most instances the problems which exist, if any, are so petty in nature, it would have taken just a few moments of intelligent advice to help these people move ahead productively in their lives. Overall the brutal fundamentalism which is wasting lives 24/7 in the American Psychiatric Terror Machine is as filthy and dangerous as what it has been alleged ISIS has been doing. The hypocrisy involved in all of this by the US federal government, states, courts and psychiatrists is repulsive!