Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Psychiatry is a weapon of legalized brutal torture and murder in a hypocritically disturbed American society

 At a time in history when civilization as we know it is under siege from powerful and well organized terrorist forces psychiatrists have as usual throughout their history brought the entire spectrum of mankind down to the same level of ruthlessness and barbarism for huge profits. In every sector of our society including among non-psychiatric physicians, nurses, federal agents, police, judges, educators, business people, politicians, and others psychiatry is used to break down the well being and vital interests of people with no affirmative direction ever in mind. The consistently destructive interventions of psychiatry lead to completely wasted lives with broken families, wasted careers, the creation and enforcement of life threatening poverty and homelessness, and ultimately premature horrible deaths. This all equates to legalized terrorist styled torture and murder in a hypocritically disturbed American society which claims it wants an end to the bloodshed of terrorism. Similar problems exist with psychiatry in other countries across the world.