Thursday, September 8, 2016

The quack American psychiatrists as endorsed by the terrorist US government have crippled and killed tens of millions of people based on unsubstantiated theories about dopamine!

The American psychiatrists are criminally insane sadists who get excited about opportunities presented to them by a tragically misinformed or simply headline seeking mainstream press to spread what is actually totally fabricated and tragically misleading information about dopamine theories of mental illness. Without any direct biological tests to back up their assertions and without about lab tests to check for dopamine levels in people's brains the psychiatrists have been loading their patients up with dopamine blocking drugs for decades. The psychiatrists claim the neuroleptics, which block dopamine receptors in the brain, help to control such alleged mental illnesses as schizophrenia, the manic phase of bipolar disorder and extreme irritability and agitation. However there are also no biological tests for these diagnoses which are consistently made based on the subjective bigoted whims of the psychiatrists. Furthermore the only thing known for certain about dopamine is that it is an essential neurotransmitter which helps control the reward and pleasure centers of the brain. Movement and emotional responses are also regulated by dopamine. Clearly normal levels of dopamine are vital for good brain health and a depletion of dopamine is critically dangerous. It seems just about every single person who has taken neuroleptics has reported serious acute side effects such as blackouts and seizures and most if not all patients on long-term treatment with neuroleptics come down with chronic neurological disorders such as irreversible tardive dyskinesia along with seizures, blackouts, homicidal ideation and suicidal ideation. Clearly what the quack US government endorsed psychiatrists have been doing is blocking normal dopamine levels in the brains of people based on totally contrived theories about alleged misbehavior and alleged mental illness. Not only is this not science, it is dangerous criminal misconduct by the destructive discipline of psychiatry which is made up entirely of quacks. Only a terrorist government would endorse such horrible wrongdoing for huge profits.