Monday, November 12, 2018

"Psychiatry is a form of legalized cruelty to people!"

Psychiatric intervention consistently causes far more harm than good and yet the psychiatrists have been given control of the mental health system by the lawmakers and judiciary. The labels of the psychiatrists are used to stigmatize people and marginalize them in society and yet they have no reproducible scientific markers and are primarily based on the subjective whims of the psychiatrists. The psychiatric drugs are highly toxic poisons with a myriad of potential painful and dangerous acute and chronic side effects including suicidal and homicidal ideation and sometimes intent. The mental hospitals are concentration camps which have absolutely no diagnostic or therapeutic value. And the negative attitudes of the psychiatrists in dealing with vital academic, career and financial interests of men, women and children unfortunate enough to see them as patients generally leads to catastrophically wasted and impoverished lives. Essentially therefore cruelty to people has been legalized in a criminal society which overall has absolutely no respect for human rights!