Friday, November 8, 2019

"Psychiatry is a vehicle of the sadistic & methodical disposal of human beings!"

The heavily funded propaganda of the psychiatrists paints a totally false picture of psychiatrists as being in the forefront of efforts to prevent and heal mental illness. Nothing could be further from the truth. The psychiatrists are diabolically insane sadists who have created a destructive system of abuse which leads to wasted lives of innocent men, women and children who have generally had the potential for wellness and to do well in life if not for psychiatric intervention. The legalization of the tyrannical quackery of psychiatry in the USA and elsewhere worldwide has created a vehicle for terrorist governments, federal agents, cops and other powerful and wealthy abusive interests in society to methodically dispose of human beings. Social, career and financial ruination along with crippling and premature deaths are rampant among targets of psychiatry because of the abuses inherent in the psychiatric system, not because of mental illness!»>