Monday, February 17, 2020

"The American psychiatrists, feds, cops & their personal judges are arrogant bullies"

Clearly the psychiatrists, feds, cops and their judges working together across the USA think their titles give them the right to do whatever they want to the American people and other people worldwide. Together they ignore all universally accepted notions of human decency and even the nation's own laws in dealing with the innocent targets of their ignorant tyranny. It's absolutely absurd to even give consideration to the position of these monsters that their highly destructive and painful interventions are directed to prevention and treatment of mental illness. To the contrary the constant badgering with psychotronic warfare, organized public ridicule campaigns, blacklists with anticipated financial hardships and social isolation, railroading into the mental hospital concentration camps, and unprovoked police beatings with false arrests all nurture unstable mental states of being, not mental health. These adult bullies actually have no morale, ethical or legal rights to disrupt the lives of the innocent men, women and children they target for their joint tyranny. Yet this ignorant brutality continues for lifetimes with the fueling of the powerful and lucrative "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death" continuing around the clock at the expense of the lives of decent men, women and children!»>