Wednesday, April 22, 2020

"The friends & family criteria for diagnosing bipolar disorder is fishy"

It’s fishy that the diabolically insane psychiatrists claim friends & family are the best historians to conjure up a devastating diagnosis of bipolar disorder so those so called friends & so called responsible family members can steal everything from the targeted person, including careers, assets, lovers, spouses & more while all along other people can’t see anything wrong at all with the victims. That doesn’t make any sense at all and is just a manifestation of the ignorant tyranny & quackery of the psychiatrists who are sadists themselves and who work for the highest bidders. If after all someone really has a serious illness say like Coronavirus who the hell would think it’s logical to say only friends & family & their psychiatrists could recognize the person as sick! The psychiatrists & government actually organize greedy, selfish and cruel so called friends & abusive family members to have targeted people, who are usually activists, labeled with bipolar disorder to have them ruined and disposed of!