Saturday, January 22, 2011

American Medical Students And Medical Professors Killing Medical Education Reformers With Psych Abuses

The lives of young medical students across the USA are at risk if they discuss cheating in medical school and other problems such as too much scut work and night call for some students versus others. Clearly the most wealthy and most well connected American medical students are given the easiest time in medical school at relaxing suburban hospitals while the outsiders are worked to death in inner city ghetto hospitals. If young medical students discuss these problems with other students, other doctors, nurses, or just about anyone their careers are almost certain to be catastrophically destroyed and their lives ruined as their own classmates and professors gang up on them with bullying, intentional lowering of evaluations, and intentional misdiagnoses of mental illness with literal torture by the psychiatrists to follow. The organized American medical community is cruel about covering all of this up and works with a corrupt US Department of Justice to have the whistle blowers in the American medical education scheme followed "to the moon" if necessary to finish them off even if it takes decades to finally land them in institutions, on the streets and prematurely dead!