Monday, May 2, 2011

Harvard Medical School and University of Texas School of Medicine Rated As Leading Mental Health Care Human Rights Abuse Slaughterhouses In The World!

The psychiatrists at Harvard and the University of Texas have been working together to create the most abusive mental health care system in world history. The ethical conduct of the staffs at these medical centers which is standing as something to be emulated by the entire medical community internationally is repulsive and consists of filthy lies aimed at railroading people into unnecessary and dangerous treatment, intentional misdiagnoses of serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder aimed at crippling and imprisoning people who could have otherwise lead perfectly productive lives, the abuse of seriously flawed studies such as EEGs to uphold intentional misdiagnoses, support of swift, fixed civil court orders to steal the rights of people and leave them defenseless to fight having their brains experimented on and crushed by the mad scientists working at these medical centers, and encouragement of US Department of Justice sponsored terror campaigns aimed at organizing public ridicule campaigns of the victims of this tyranny coupled with cruel blacklists of their interests aimed at isolating them from society and driving them into a revolving door system of the mental hospital concentration camps and half way slaughterhouses or out onto the streets to die. This all often starts in a filthy little dark room at America's so-called supreme mental hospital treatment center, McCleans at Harvard, where frightened people are told the EEG being run on their tormented brains is necessary and where instead the shock and fear from this situation results in intentional false readings of mental illness associated with EEGs which already have no conclusive association with mental illness and are associated with false positive readings even when done under better circumstances. To aggravate this matter the police and US federal agents have been zapping the brains of sane social activists whom they want to dipose of with psychiatry with intense electronic warfare before running them into McCleans in order to make certain unusual brain waves will appear on the EEGs. A network has been set up between Harvard and the University of Texas due to the distaste of the Boston psychiatrists for an overabundance of liberal judges in their area who often refuse to uphold the rights of psychiatrists at Harvard to hold people for treatment against their desires. And so families who have been using the mental health care system to sadistically dispose of family members instead of to promote mental health have been offering vacations in the sunshine to the victims of this tyranny in Texas after they leave Harvard. Upon arrival in Texas the reports from the Harvard psychiatrists to the Texas police result in kidnappings to mental hospital concentration camps, beatings, druggings and swift fixed court orders for unwanted treatment in a region of the country where more of the judges traditionally approve of such reactionary brutality. This has caught on across the USA and many mental health care activists and victims of the mental health care system are being sent to Texas to be kidnapped and abused in such manners. The US feds have endorsed the use of psychiatry, law and medicine as a political weapon in such manners and have not acted against kidnappings out of the airports in Texas by Texas state agents to the states mental hospital concentration camps. So be careful, your American airlines flight to sunny LA could be diverted anytime by such cruel psychopaths if you have powerful enemies in the USA and just like the terrorists which they are the Texas state agents might come kidnapp you right out of your airplane or out of the waiting lounge in the airport to have you brutalized by the Texas mental health care system even though you know you are not mentally ill.