Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The US Feds & Psychiatrists Working Together Are Sadistic Bullies!

US feds have been bragging in public locations such as Niagra Falls, NY that they are proud of being good at setting people up! Essentially, what the US feds have been doing with the nation's diabolically insane psychiatrists is luring normal men into reacting to their normal sex drives with sexy women working undercover, so they can sadistically label them as suffering from mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and than make them sick and take away their normal sex drives and other normal drives by putting them on toxic psychiatric drugs such as neuroleptics and lithium. If this fails to turn the targets of this sadistic tyranny into wast basket cases, as when some well educated people fight back and stop taking the psychiatric poisons when they are not under court orders to do so, the US feds and American psychiatrists generally still succeed in making waste basket cases out of their victims with stigmatization and associated blacklists leading to created and enforced painful poverty as the slow and methodical murders of the victims of the lucrative "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death" continues! This all means apparently the most important characteristic of the American feds and psychiatrists is they share being unusually sadistic bullies!