Friday, August 30, 2013

Most Victims of American Psychiatry Could Have Done Well in Other Countries!

American presidents, politicians, and diplomats often rant and rave in international public forums about what a sad reality it is that millions of people who could have had free and decent lives in the USA with good opportunities for financial advancement have been cruelly imprisoned based on filthy politics in other countries. And, yet there have been millions upon millions of lives wasted in the USA due to the USA's pathetic, brutal psychiatric system which has criminalized allegations of mental illness, with no valid scientific parameters to back the labels of mental illness up. And it is the American lawmakers, who are after all politicians, along with the American psychiatrists, who have devised the disgusting kangaroo psychiatric civil court schemes across the USA which have legalized this ignorant tyranny! Most of the Americans crucified by this scheme, the majority of who are perfectly sane, well educated, intelligent and warm, law abiding people, could have had perfectly productive, rewarding and happy lives if they were born and/or raised in just about any other country in the world!