Saturday, September 21, 2013

Sadistic Sociopaths Are Responsible for the Abusive American Psychiatric System!

Although I personally agree that human life should be deeply respected as having the highest of all inherent values in this world, nevertheless I find the U.S. laws which make suicide illegal and which demand psychiatric treatment for suicidal people mandatory, contradictory. In view of the fact that the American psychiatrists are all elitist coarse barbarians who literally torture their patients, they themselves make life not worth living. And in view of the fact that the U.S. government clearly adheres to ignorant practices and policies in dealing with the notion of mental illness, which like the American psychiatrists actually rarely if ever recognizes mistakes and cures, the lives of suicidal people here in the United States are being saved only to offer them a painful existence of torment. I believe when we speak of respect for human life we must consider the quality of human life which we are preserving. The American psychiatrists, courts and government do not take the quality of human lives into account as daily more and more sane, well educated, intelligent, sensitive, and law abiding Americans are seen being made homeless and dieing in the streets of the nation's inner city ghettos because of what the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death" has done to them. The parties responsible for this state of affairs are therefore sadistic sociopaths who have been hitting their own countrymen in the back with their trickery and criminally abusive conduct for a long, long time! 
Dr Harold Mandel