Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Criminal US Government is Hijacking Brains With Drones

The criminally insane US feds, working with the trash American psychiatrists, have been on a murderous rampage against the sane activist targets of "The American Psychiatric Genocide Machine!" These monsters have been intensifying the use of satellite drones to literally hijack the brains of sane activists, who are generally, but not always, poor. These monsters are also going as far as hijacking the ultra sensitive brains of children in order to cause disruptions in targeted families, and than they generally throw these kids away into the dungeons of "The American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death" with intentional misdiagnoses of childhood schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in order to help promote the enormous incomes of their hand chosen murderous child psychiatrist friends and associates! It appears this is all getting worse by the moment here as more and more revelations and criticisms surface about US government endorsed torture and murders worldwide, as with drones. And so like a group of very disturbed adolescent kids and gang members these animals are lashing back against defenseless people in any manners they can in rage like acts of very dangerous frustration!