Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The USA Is A Complete Fraud!

The US federal agents have been sadistically using space age high tech satellite drone warfare to have it's own activist citizens, who are usually but not always poor, tortured and than insists the targets of this tyranny are mentally ill with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder when they are bent out of shape from being tortured! The psychiatrists the government works with, including at all of the Universities in the country, know they could lose their jobs and be put down as mentally ill themselves if they do not enforce the US governments tyrannical desires and so the cruel, barbaric US government has successfully created a locked in system of tyranny with American psychiatry. Every American president in contemporary history has backed this system of tyranny up, it appears because the US feds have something which could hurt their images on all of them, meaning the USA is a Psychiatric Police State and a complete fraud with absolutely no actual freedom, equal opportunities or democracy for most of the people!