Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The USA Is A Tyrannical Psychiatric Police State

The US federal agents have been sadistically using space age high tech satellite drone warfare to have it’s own activist citizens, who are usually but not always poor, tortured and than insists the targets of this tyranny are severely mentally ill with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder when they are bent out of shape from being tortured. The American psychiatrists are chosen on the basis of offering firm support for such tyranny. If human rights activist physicians speak up and attempt to reform this system the psychiatrists all gang up on them and label such physicians as being mentally ill themselves with associated stigmatization and initiatives towards total career and financial ruination via cruel blacklists. The US feds and cops endorse such moves against dissident human rights activist physicians and other human rights activists in society. Essentially the USA has become a tyrannical Psychiatric Police State with no actual freedom, equal opportunities or democracy actually guaranteed for anybody. Anyone, anyplace could be hit by this tyranny at anytime for no good reasons at all aside from to feed the very lucrative American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!