Thursday, March 5, 2015

The USA Uses Psychiatric Labels, Drugs & Mental Hospitals For The Same Abuses It's Alleged The Soviets Did During The Cold War Era

 During  the height of the Cold War era between the United States and the Soviet Union the American psychiatrists and US government alleged that the Soviets used psychiatry as a brutal political tool to break down dissidents. In view of the international nature of the implementation of psychiatry for destructive means instead of as a healing branch of the medical sciences this allegation against both Communist and non-Communist nations worldwide becomes credible both from an historical perspective and now. What is particularly disturbing is that due to the well funded propaganda of the American Psychiatric Terror Machine many people are brainwashed into believing that at least in the USA things are better with psychiatry. This simply is not true. The American psychiatrists, as endorsed by the US government, are a gang of diabolically insane sadists who use their unscientific labels, poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs, and mental hospital concentration camps to break down the targets of lucrative psychiatric tyranny. The fact that trash American lawmakers in all 50 states have legalized all of this with swift, fixed kangaroo civil court proceedings with no juries and no sworn in testimony only makes matters more shocking!