Thursday, June 11, 2015

People Are Being Literally Tortured By Psychiatry Across The USA Over Allegations Of Petty Irregularities

In what has become a brutal and unusually cruel Psychiatric Police State people across the USA are being maliciously hit with damaging allegations of mental illness and labels of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder by the US Department of Justice and the American psychiatrists in retaliation for what are said to be irregularities in their lives. These so-called irregularities are generally of a highly personal nature and do not involve any infractions of the law. In fact in such instances although there may have in fact been some disruptions in the lives of the people targeted by this tyranny these alleged irregularities are generally due to people's lives being thrown off balance due to being targeted by psychiatric witch hunts associated with satellite drone surveillance and badgering to begin with. So while decent, law abiding, intelligent, hard working and emotionally warm people are literally tortured in created and enforced financial hardship by the American Psychiatric Killing Machine the barbarians responsible for this are paid well and demand respect across the USA and worldwide even though they actually violate the rights of decent people and torture them for a living 24/7!