Wednesday, June 24, 2015

"The USA Has Created The World's Leading Psychiatric Police State Torture Machine"

The United States has created the most sophisticated Psychiatric Police State Torture Machine in the world. Daily millions of perfectly sane, intelligent, creative, emotionally warm, and energetic human rights activists and poor people are beaten down into states of mind which mimic mental illness across the United States. These people are being kept under 24/7 satellite drone surveillance which is also used to badger them into states of delirium. They are denied the rights to do what other people do daily, drugged with the toxic arsenal of psychiatric drugs, railroaded into mental hospital concentration camps, beaten by federal agents and cops and thrown into death trap jails with no charges and no crimes committed, blacklisted, and targeted for government organized public ridicule campaigns. If these people attempt to study or work overseas the US government wires into foreign governments that they are insane and to deny them the right to attend school and work for a living while keeping them under surveillance regardless of how well credentialed and capable they really are.