Saturday, July 18, 2015

"The Conduct Of The US Justice Department & Psychiatrists Is Tragically Abusive & Criminal"

 Daily the US Department of Justice people, including the US feds, cops, and judges, working together with the American psychiatrists, become more and more abusive and criminal in nature. Together in dealing with issues of mental health care these entities have been consistently displaying sadistic, irresponsible, immature, tragically brutal, dangerous and damaging behavior in dealing with people they allege to be mentally ill. Actually these animals are nurturing and enforcing states of being which mimic mental illness with violations of people's rights to privacy with satellite drones, badgering, intentionally falsified labels of serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs which mimic mental illness and worse, kidnappings to mental hospital concentration camps, false arrests, beatings, blacklists and more abuses. This is a critical situation with more once promising lives being wasted by these animals daily than ISIS wastes. Independent bodies should be immediately set up to indict and prosecute those responsible for these crimes. Also, independent bodies should be set up to monitor mental health care and the US Department of Justice and psychiatrists should be permanently banned from anything to do with mental health care.