Friday, July 24, 2015

"The University of Texas School of Medicine Is A Terrorist Psychiatric Torture Training Center Endorsed By The US Federal Government"

The University of Texas is the Psychiatric Torture Training Center in the USA where with the support of the Texas judiciary and Governor's office the Department of Psychiatry works with the Department of Radiology, Department of Pathology and other departments to falsify psychiatric reports and to institute the enslavement, torture and slow murders of perfectly sane and law abiding human rights activists and poor people. Other medical schools across the USA have been working with their psychiatry departments to help the US federal government and states enslave, torture and murder people they want out of their way. The targets of this tyranny are generally emotionally warm and very intelligent people who could have otherwise done just fine in life and who could have offered their families, friends and mankind a great deal. The US federal government consistently endorses the tyrannical quackery of the psychiatrists!