Thursday, August 13, 2015

Monsters Responsible For Psychiatric Tyranny Are Paid Well To Be Cruel In The USA While Their Victims Suffer In Poverty

Criminally insane US feds, cops and psychiatrists working together have been literally arrogantly bragging about their lifetimes of terrorist activities. These animals along with their personal judges see no reason to investigate decades of set-ups, enslavement, torture and murder directed against human rights activists and poor people among others since they insist this is simply what they have always done with psychiatry and that this is the right thing to do. The toxic arsenal of psychiatric drugs and mental hospital concentration camps remain as usual their mainstays of tyranny. This is really pathetic and sad with the electronic and other forms of badgering and torture directed against decent people continuing 24/7 even in public places as the USA becomes as horrible a place to live for millions of people as the ISIS caliphate it. The monsters responsible for this across the USA nevertheless all along insist they are the only civilized people on the planet as they murder their critics worldwide and get paid very well to continue to institute their tyranny daily as their victims suffer in created and enforced poverty! This is all repulsive and shocking!