Sunday, August 30, 2015

Psychiatry Is A Major Weapon of Oppression In A Social Class War In the USA:

Psychiatric labels, painful psychiatric intervention, and court orders for psychiatric treatment generally have little if anything to do with mental illness or criminal misconduct in the USA and elsewhere. What we are actually seeing in the USA is a silent social class war  of oppression being lead by the psychiatrists against the poor. Together the psychiatrists, other doctors who work with them, psychiatric nurses, feds, cops and their personal judges are actually using fabricated psychiatric diagnoses and destructive interventions along with intentional stigmatization and associated blacklists to keep the poor as poor as possible and from competing in the world of the extremely wealthy elitists who control the USA. This class war has lead to more decent people being crippled and killed by American medical doctors who are psychiatrists than the world has seen in any genocide in history.