Monday, April 18, 2016

The trash psychiatrists are criminally insane experts in undermining mental health and creating mental illness

Everything the diabolically insane psychiatrists do undermines mental health and creates mental illness. Their labels are all based on their subjective whims and cause severe damage due to stigmatization created by propaganda to the general public which has no basis in true science. The psychiatric drugs are all highly toxic poisons which mimic mental illness and worse. The mental hospitals are concentration camps which have no diagnostic or therapeutic value. The civil court proceedings of the psychiatrists aimed at legalizing their tyranny are swift, fixed kangaroo court proceedings which make the psychiatrists and other doctors who briefly testify into deadly enemies of the defendant and therefore there is absolutely no possibility of a therapeutic alliance developing to prevent or properly treat any emotional conditions. The authoritarian attitudes of the psychiatrists also help destroy the mental well being, careers and lives of people and their entire families due to created and enforced economic hardships and deadly poverty which results from all of this abuse. And so overall the psychiatrists are psychopaths who are experts at undermining mental health and creating mental illness.