Monday, April 4, 2016

The USA has become the world's leading deadly Terrorist Psychiatric Police State

The American psychiatrists are all diabolically insane sadists who have permeated every sector of the American society and have worked with the lawmakers, judiciary, federal agents and cops to create the most brutal Terrorist Psychiatric Police State in world history. Enslavement, physical beatings, prisoner of war style isolation, organized public bullying campaigns, cruel life threatening blacklists, and other abuses are all rationalized as being acceptable in this system of pure treachery. Intentionally falsified labels of mental illness such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder along with associated legalized stigmatization, the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs, intense satellite drone electronic warfare and mental hospital concentration camps are all among the weapons of mass destruction utilized by the trash American psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses to literally create and enforce pained states of being which mimic mental illness. This is done so these subhuman mutants and leeches of society can prosper while the US government works with its federal agents and cops to deviously crack down on dissent and diversity across the nation in such manners.