Monday, February 6, 2017

The US government and psychiatrists have an ignorant policy of consistently brutally ruining the lives of victims of psychiatry!

The terrorist US Department of Justice and other branches of the US government working with the criminally insane American psychiatrists are heavily invested in catastrophically ruining the lives of victims of psychiatry over their lifetimes in order to make allegations of mental illness against them look good. Intense satellite drone electronic badgering with attempts at emotion, thought and behavior control, intentional misdiagnoses of the trendy diagnostic entities of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder which have been made popular in the pop press, organized public ridicule campaigns with associated psychiatric stigmatization, the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs, railroading into the mental hospital concentration camps, police beatings and false arrests, and cruel blacklists along with created and enforced painful poverty are all used to ruin the lives of the targets of psychiatric tyranny over lifetimes. The US feds, cops, lawmakers, psychiatrists and their personal judges clearly never even consider searching for justice and the nurturing of mental health for the victims of the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death!"