Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The US government and psychiatrists have most of the American public trained well to support their repulsive tyranny!

The US government and American psychiatrists have been working for decades to train the American public to support their joint tyranny. Essentially the entire USA has been horribly criminalized and dehumanized by this with men, women and children being treated as if they are lab rats in a cage. With help from the very well funded American Psychiatric Propaganda Machine the terrorist US feds, cops, psychiatrists and their personal judges have most of the American public brainwashed, lured and coerced to support their joint repulsive brutality directed against men, women and children arbitrarily chosen to be sadistically sacrificed to the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death". People in every walk of life are trained to feel they will have much better chances of getting ahead financially and otherwise in life if they simply help enforce psychiatric tyranny without asking any questions. People are also living in fear that if they protest these filthy abuses they could be totally ruined and sacrificed to the treachery of the psychiatric system in order to undermine their credibility.