Thursday, March 9, 2017

American psychiatrists are autocratic psychopaths who refuse to allow people to fight peacefully for their rights!

The problem with American psychiatry is a lot bigger than most people may think. The psychiatrists are leeches of society who have eroded every basic concept of human decency in every realm of the American society. The American psychiatrists are tyrannical autocratic psychopaths who maintain power and wealth by cracking down on people's basic freedoms and feeding off of the extreme hardships which they themselves enforce. The right of the American people to fight peacefully for their rights has been at the center of progress for them since the nation was founded. This is an ongoing progress which remains essential. Yet the diabolically insane American psychiatrists consistently take the position that the insistence of their victims that they should be allowed to fight for equal rights including vital academic, career and financial opportunities is a sign of serious mental illnesses by people who are psychotically out of touch with their chosen place in society and the importance of giving blind respect to those with extremes of money and power. This paradigm has set the stage for the envisioning of a horribly repressive society for most of the people across the USA. The US feds, states, and judiciary sadly have recognized the trash psychiatrists as having the right to do this in the name of their tragically distorted interpretations of what they call mental health care. This all results in wasted careers and lives of scores of very gifted men, women and children who generally end up dying prematurely in the relative isolation pushed upon them by the psychiatrists.