Sunday, March 12, 2017

The American psychiatric system represents a hypocritical breakdown of humanity!

The depths of depravity manifested by the chronically criminally insane US feds, cops, psychiatrists and their personal judges in dealing with mental health care human rights activists and their families is totally shocking. We have been witnessing the most horrible hypocritical breakdown of humanity in the history of mankind as the "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death" moves aggressively to sadistically feed off of the best and brightest in society daily. It has been becoming clearer and clearer that the most ignorant, unethical, ignorant scum in the history of mankind are consistently hired to work as US federal agents, cops, psychiatrists and their personal judges, all of whom manifest a full commitment to working to totally destroy human potential with psychiatry.This has resulted in all universal concepts of human decency and right from wrong being turned inside out in the USA and worldwide which paints a sad picture for the future of the planet Earth!