Saturday, June 17, 2017

The American psychiatric system of tyranny appears to be responsible for a great deal of hard crime!

 It seems that there has never before been such a serious hard crime problem across the USA with mass shootings, rapes and other deadly assaults occurring on a more frequent basis than ever before. In places like Chicago the situation with gang styled murders has made parts of the city as dangerous as war torn cities in Iraq and Syria. Sadly it appears that the total lack of respect shown for the value of human life by the perpetrators of these crimes is often both set off and learned from the psychiatric system. The association between taking psychiatric drugs and the development of both suicidal and homicidal ideation and intent along with aggressive hostile behavior has become staggering. Yet the chronically incompetent, careless and unusually cruel psychiatrists continue to prescribe these poisons like they are giving out candy to a child. Another serious problem is the emulation of the tragically abusive and unethical conduct of the psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, other doctors and nurses who work with them, and law enforcement officials who help to enforce the tyranny of psychiatry by perpetrators of hard crime across the USA. The cruelty involved in the often arbitrary wasting of lives of innocent victims of psychiatry is mirrored in the cruelty involved in killing and raping innocent people by gangs and lone criminals across the USA. The attitude that anything goes, including filthy lies and kidnappings and more in the pursuit of brainwashing and forcing people into psychiatric care coupled with the beatings, isolation, drugging, sexual assaults and other destructive interventions of psychiatry is also mirrored in the terror tactics used in the commission of crimes by shooters , rapists and others across the USA. Similar problems with an association between psychiatry and hard crime is also being seen worldwide.