Sunday, June 18, 2017

The goal of the US Psychiatric System is to finish off patients for life!

In the general practice of medicine we like to think of altruistic physicians who feel gratified reaching for cures and getting their patients back into the mainstream of life whenever they can. This is often possible and it really is very rewarding for doctors practicing real medicine to see a patient cured of such illnesses as a potentially deadly infection or even cancer and back in school or at work. Yet with psychiatry the emphasis is totally wrong and this has helped to nurture the evolution of the leading human rights abuser nation in the world out of the USA. The psychiatrists are trash physicians who have created a junk science which is quick to diagnose people with emotionally charged labels such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, with absolutely no scientific basis for these devastating diagnoses. Furthermore, these labels are used to tear apart the lives of men, women and children. There are no real efforts at cures for the psychiatric disorders, which in fact may not even exist in people diagnosed with them in the first place. And the psychiatric interventions, which include the toxic arsenal of psychiatric drugs, railroading into mental hospital concentration camps, physical assaults, isolation and more abuses are all highly destructive and work against wellness in body, mind and spirit. It is the policy of the chronically sadistic American psychiatrists and what is actually the terrorist US Department of Justice to follow people labelled with mental illnesses around for the remainder of their lives and hit them back harder and harder each time they reach for mental health. A favored method of abuse of targets of psychiatric tyranny by the US Department of Justice has been satellite drone electronic stalking and badgering since this is an invisible form of treachery which can be denied with whistle blowers being labelled as psychotic. These abuses continue over the course of the lifetimes of victims of psychiatry with the clear goal of wasting their entire lives to feed the ever more powerful and lucrative "American Psychiatric Industry of Torture and Death!