Thursday, August 3, 2017

“The USA is a Psychiatric Terrorist State where feds, cops, psychiatrists & their judges work together to sadistically humiliate, degrade, torture & murder innocent human rights activists!”

The USA is actually in a pathetic state and operating behind false images based on a heavily funded propaganda machine which insists the nation stands on a morale high ground in dealing with essential human rights issues. In actuality on a day to day basis the US feds and cops have very little time left to spend on actually enforcing law and order properly because they are so heavily involved in vigilante styled activities aimed at silencing credible critics of their brutality. The psychiatrists help dispose of these whistle blowers by helping the feds and police intentionally misdiagnose them with trendy psychiatric labels such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder followed by highly destructive and painful psychiatric interventions. And all of the American psychiatrists have proven again and again to be diabolically insane sadists who do not even take a moment to actually consider providing proper humane mental health care to people since they are so heavily invested in the highly profitable business of manufacturing and enforcing states of being which mimic mental illness. The personal judges of this elitist Psychiatric Abuse Clique are criminal human rights abusers and a total disgrace to the judiciary across the USA and worldwide. These leeches of society help to legalize the joint tyranny of the Psychiatric Abuse Cliques with secretive swift, fixed kangaroo court civil proceedings with no juries and no sworn in testimony. Targets of this tyranny are literally kidnapped to mental hospital concentration camps, drugged and beaten in preparation for their swift day in court in the kangaroo courts set up on the premises of these dungeons. The American public is overall well trained via the propaganda of these Psychiatric Abuse Cliques not to question these proceedings and to help the US government dispose of the targets of this brutality with organized public ridicule campaigns, cruel blacklists, created and enforced poverty and anticipated associated social isolation.