Saturday, August 5, 2017

“The USA offers large incentives for supporting the joint tyranny of the nation’s government and psychiatrists!”

 An incentive system has been set up by the US government and American psychiatrists to reward people for supporting the nation’s Psychiatric Industry of Torture and Death. Students are treated better in the school system and offered better opportunities in higher education when they support this system. And people in the work world are often offered better jobs with quicker advancement when they support the tyrannical psychiatric system in the USA. These rewards are even more apparent when young children are taught by their parents to respect the nation’s diabolically insane psychiatrists. Children and students who raise serious questions about the tyranny of the American psychiatrists are often ostracized from their peers and risk being intentionally misdiagnosed as being mentally ill. Adults who take an activist stand against American psychiatric tyranny risk problems with career advancement, losing their jobs and deadly blacklists. The behavior of many of the men, women and children in the USA is shaped in this way to support the American Psychiatric Torture and Killing Machine in what has turned out to be a locked in system of tyranny while all along the US government and American psychiatrists are heavily invested in propaganda which insists they stand on a morale high ground worldwide in dealing with human rights.