Friday, September 15, 2017

"The USA is a tragically abusive Psychiatric Police State"

The USA is a terrorist Fascist Police State where the feds, cops & psychiatrists use satellite drone electronic warfare to badger nice people to death around the clock in order to run them down into making mistakes at school, work, while driving and at other times in order to lead them into financial trouble. The goal of these fascist psychopaths is to try to have the innocent targets of their joint tyranny and their families left unemployed, broke, homeless and starving in the streets. The feds, cops and psychiatrists never have anything of value to offer the public and are simply in a war against humanity 24/7 with their personal judges always backing them up in their kangaroo court proceedings. The situation in the USA with a brutal terrorist Justice Department which tortures innocent men, women and children with the criminally insane American psychiatrists to manufacture mental illness is dangerous and pathetic. The ignorant barbarians responsible for this treachery are paid extremely well to keep up their torture campaigns around the clock with their poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs, mental hospital concentration camps and deadly blacklists along with electronic torture being among their favorite methods of madness used to manufacture mental illness!